Betty White #1

Episode 3 November 30, 2022 00:08:53
Betty White #1
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
Betty White #1

Nov 30 2022 | 00:08:53


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

A talented psychic, Betty White spoke with her husband after she died, just as though they were sitting across the kitchen table from each other. She shared many helpful insights about what happens after we die.

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Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems. And you are much more than you think you are. Here. You'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going. And discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McEnany. Now, in today's episode we'll talk about Betty White, not the famous actress that most people know, but a very talented psychic who was active in the 1920s. Betty died in 1939. Her husband Stewart Edward White was a well known naturalist and world traveler, author of more than 40 books on things about romance, adventure, exploring, uh, new frontiers and pioneer settings and the like. He was totally uninterested in the afterlife until Betty developed abilities as a medium at first unwillingly in 1919, but later enthusiastically the information coming through Betty was of such high quality that Stuart White gradually gained a lot of respect for it, regardless of its source. Speaker 1 00:01:31 And after accumulating over 400 typewritten pages from the entities speaking through Betty, who were called the Invisibles by the whites, he summarized and published to them in the Betty Book published in 1937, the book was meant to be a description of the afterworld to help guide those who die in their afterlife journey. They generally confirmed what Frederick Myers had described regarding the levels of consciousness, but did not go into so much detail. White also published the world Beyond while Betty was still alive. Now as I mentioned earlier, uh, Betty died in April, 1939 and in September of that year, Betty herself started speaking to her husband through the well known medium, Ruth Finley in Long Island. The Whites had known Ruth Finley. When Betty was alive, Mrs. Finley was a well-respected journalist and held positions that included managing editor of the Washington Herd, women's editor of a newspaper syndicate, associate editor of McClure's Magazine. Speaker 1 00:02:41 And she was a member of the steering committee of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs. So we're not talking about cooks here, but highly respected and accomplished people. She was also the anonymous author of our unseen guest, a widely read book on psychic phenomena in the 1920s. And she was considered by many to be one of the most gifted trans mediums of the 20th century. Speaking through Ruth Finley for months, Betty and her Invisibles shared many insights. She hadn't gone anywhere she said and made the same point, emphasized by many others that if we could change the focus of human frequency, we'd be able to see her instead of looking through her as we do. She repeated the idea posed by Myers that a major difference between life and afterlife is the scope of awareness with afterlife senses, being able to tune in to more realities. Speaker 1 00:03:44 Now, one of the most outspoken of the quote unquote invisibles, uh, was one called Lady Ann. And Lady Ann pointed out that consciousness is the only reality and matter in mind are only aspects of it. Earth consciousness she explained is adapted to a universe in which there are many structures to bump into, not just physical, but also mental as when other people's ideas and thoughts obstruct you from doing what you want to do. Hence the term unobstructed universe to describe the larger universe where these obstructions do not apply. Stuart White published these ideas in a book, the Unobstructed Universe in 1940. It's a comprehensive and scientifically interesting account of life after death. It's also a compelling example of Betty speaking to her husband, getting across ideas that she felt were important to spread. She explained they were all working hard, they were all working hard on people who come over suddenly and they don't know what's happening to them. Speaker 1 00:04:52 It would help a lot. She said if people had some understanding of the transitional phase so they could make it more smoothly and there would be less work for those on the other side who are helping them. It's interesting by the way, that this same point would be made by a spirit guide 60 years later, uh, 60 of our earth years later to, uh, Bruce Moen, whom you'll be introduced to in a future podcast. Now, apparently we haven't made much progress there. Now as important as the book itself, um, the unobstructed universe also conveys a warm emotional relationship that still existed between Betty and St as she called her husband after Betty died. In fact, he was so satisfied just by feeling her presence during the months since April, 1939. When she died, he felt no need and had no desire for verbal communication. Uh, that started through Mrs. Speaker 1 00:05:51 Finley in September, but there was work to be done and Betty always a hard worker, was eager to get started. Now, the book's also informative for the many details Betty gives about the way she was operating, how she experienced the senses traveled in time and space perceived our universe managed to communicate through Joan as they called, uh, Mrs. Finley and influenced some events on Earth in order to get her message across. That's an important one. They can influence events on earth in order to make things happen that will enable them to get a message across. She talks about learning rest games and other subjects familiar to us time and again, she emphasized the quote, hereness of immortality. The fact that there's only one universe that she existed both in our world and in the unobstructed universe that we don't experience. That's because her awareness mechanism could now take in a much larger fuel of experience in her after death condition. Speaker 1 00:06:54 I haven't gone anywhere. She insisted and told St that her touch of him was just as real as ever to her on the subject of consciousness. Betty also made it clear in simple terms that consciousness creates form not the other way around. It was the one and only reality, she said. And she explained how it manifested, manifested itself in different degrees in our universe. The consciousness frequency of each species exists outside our world and manifests as that species when it is in it. I read that slowly cause there's a lot in there. The consciousness frequency of each species exists outside our world and manifests as that species when it is in it. She also emphasized that consciousness is always evolving. There is, for example, she explained a degree in the evolution of consciousness that we will call trik. And in manifesting it becomes a tree. Speaker 1 00:07:59 Now, to that, there is a corresponding frequency. The same thing for an electrical spark she pointed out, and for all the different types of things that exist in our universe, everything has consciousness, she said, but in different degrees and it's all existing at once. She told st her husband this, you are that frequency of consciousness that is a man. Oxygen is that frequency of consciousness, which is oxygen. A tree is that frequency of consciousness, which is a tree. Alright, there's more to talk about, uh, about Betty White and I'll stop, uh, this episode right now and continue talking about Betty in the next episode. Again, I'm Dan McEnany, bringing you lessons from the helpful dead.

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