Every Material Thing Has its Own Frequency - UKACO & Betty White

July 26, 2024 00:11:30
Every Material Thing Has its Own Frequency - UKACO & Betty White
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
Every Material Thing Has its Own Frequency - UKACO & Betty White

Jul 26 2024 | 00:11:30


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

This session continues the story of UKACO and their success in ridding crops of pests by projecting a photo of the field to be tested, along with a small sample of the pest treatment, which was also placed on the "collector plate" used for projectiing the photo. A highly place Pennsylvania agricultural official was convinced of the effectiveness of their strange process, but officials at the US Dept of Agriculture were not. Apparently they were afraid the same process could be used to kill humans in a war. Despite the solid evidence of its success, they declared the process was a fraud and eventually the company was forced to close. The key takeaway here is that, in their patent application, UKACO pointed out that every material thing has its own unique frequency, a point emphasized by Betty White in 1939 after she died, while speaking to her husband through a medium (see the early episodes).

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:09] Welcome to lessons from the helpful dead, where you will learn the world is not what it seems, and you are much more than you think you are. Here you learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful eternal spirit. I'm Dan McEnany. [00:00:35] In recent episodes, we've focused on living people who discovered things that agreed with what dead people have told us. One good place to find out about them is the 1972 to 73 book the Secret Life of Plants. And in the last episode, I started the story of Yukiko, founded by the gentleman from Princeton University. And I will continue with the story of Uko today. You might recall they had a series of very successful experiments where they seemed to be able to rid crops of pests simply by projecting a photograph. [00:01:22] The photograph would be a photograph of the field to be treated. Plus, on that same plate, photographic plate, they attached a tiny bit of something that would ordinarily kill the pests. [00:01:38] Then they projected that over the field. So they had a lot of success. And this drew the attention of some authorities. [00:01:46] They attracted the attention of a personality at the United States Department of Agriculture, the research station in Beltsville, Maryland. You know, they had been working primarily in Pennsylvania. So one of the officials there, Doctor Truman Hinton, he called to find out exactly what was going on with UkO, called the Pennsylvania authority. [00:02:15] They wanted to go out and see for themselves. All right. So he then arrived in Harrisburg, and he was informed by the local authorities there. The principle seemed to be a machine that somehow was related to radio broadcasting. [00:02:31] But when Uko's Howard Armstrong was asked by the authorities at what wavelength he was broadcasting his treatments, he could only say he didn't know. The mystified scientists, they shook their heads. They were very doubtful, and they returned to Beltsville, Maryland. Now then, in the summer of 1951, Armstrong traveled through the Cumberland Valley treating corn and anything else the farmers wanted him to treat. He was so successful that when the insecticide salesmen visited the farms, they were informed their products were no longer needed. The farmers themselves operated many of the treating devices which were left by Armstrong on their farms. This evidently raised the hackles of the american insecticide industry, as you can well imagine. And they responded in the winter that the new technology really was fraudulent. [00:03:28] So in March of 1952, the York county agricultural leaders, or about 50 of them, they assembled, and they were very skeptical, and they wanted to hear the executive secretary of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau. Tell them during a two hour meeting how they could kill or chase away various insect pests by what seemed to be remote electronic control, which seemed crazy. Benjamin supplied testimonials, though, to back up his story, and one of them was signed by the secretary of agriculture for Pennsylvania, a fellow named Miles Horst, who reported highly effective results on a rosa Charon bush in his garden, which had been infected by japanese beetles. As that happens with those roses. [00:04:18] Though many in the audience at first heckled, Benjamin in one, jeeringly remarked, perhaps the cornfields should be injected with a dose of faith. Before the end of the meeting, they all became convinced that new methods should at least be given a trial. And that's summer. Now, when the local newspaper, the York, that's York, Pennsylvania, the York Dispatch, they printed an account of the meeting, and they requested an opinion on the UKCO process from the US Department of Agriculture. They were surprised to learn that the department put no faith in the process. Period. [00:04:55] A man named bishop, assistant chief of agricultural Research Administration's Bureau of Entomology and plant quarantine, he claimed in a letter that one of the bureau's field men had observed the experiments run by Knuth and Upton in the southwest and found that the insects were not controlled. Then he added, though weve not had an opportunity to carefully examine the device or conduct any tests, a number of adverse reports on tests set up by the company have also reached us. Well, first of all, they never claimed the insects were controlled. And second, all those adverse reports were coming from the salespeople from the insecticide industry. Now, when this fellow bishop learned the tests were going to go ahead anyway, he wrote a second letter to the York Dispatch, and he said, look, from our limited knowledge, the use of radiation and the control of insects, we frankly feel the claims are exaggerated. The question naturally arises as to why the company should proceed with large scale tests without having competent authorities evaluate the method, were anxious that unsound methods not be permitted to divert the farmer's attention at this critical time from recognized sound insect control practices. So he was evidently ready to use his authoritative position to prejudge and condemn a process of which he admitted he had exactly no firsthand knowledge. [00:06:23] Well, that spring, the three UKo partners decided to form a nonprofit, and because it involved the homeopathic quality we mentioned in the last session, the homeopathic quality of the reagents or the chemicals or treatment used. They called the nonprofit the homeotronic foundation, and that was made at the suggestion of an eminent doctor Hale, who worked for Dow Chemical, now the skeptical government official, Doctor Hinton. Remember, he was invited to come and have five of his agents inspect firsthand in the field what was being done, but he chose not to. [00:07:12] Instead, he had a field worker in New Jersey sporadically check and oversee Uko operations, which he might as well have had none at all. [00:07:23] Long story short, the United States Department of Agriculture finally had somebody on hand there in August, and they selected one cornfield at random. And as you would expect, the results were impressive. So the UKCO team, of course, they were very happy that the government authorities had observed this, but as it turns out, there was no report that followed. When they asked questions about it, they got a curt letter that said, well, since no count has been made before the treatment, everything was valueless. For whatever reason, the USDA seemed intent on destroying the concept. And when several large prospective customers contacted them first before trying the treatment, they were told the whole thing was a fake. At that point, the UK co customers found out that the west coast representatives of the insecticide companies had been talking with the United States Department of Agriculture, telling them it was all a fake and they were, of course, effective. Now, Upton, one of the three partners, he had a patent application going, but that was rejected. It's interesting that in his patent application, he said the following, which relates, of course, to what Betty White said in one of the early sessions. You might recall her husband published the unobstructed universe in 1941. Betty had insisted, after she died, speaking with her invisibles, highly intelligent entities, that everything had its own frequency. Well, in the patent application, it's almost the same thing stated right here by Upton. And in the application, he stated the following. He said, the process comprehends the study and use of certain fundamental energy sources capable of affecting molecules, atoms and electrons through their characteristic harmonic potency, resource frequencies in which every particle of matter exhibits its own characteristic frequency under a controlled polarity and a magnetic field of motion. [00:09:43] He didn't realize, of course, and obviously he wouldn't know that back in 1941, Betty had communicated the same thing to her husband. Well, despite the fact that many prominent scientists were impressed, other equally prominent scientists said, look, the whole thing is just impossible. It couldn't be. [00:10:07] It turns out the government was alarmed because the idea that if a lot of insects could be killed by radiating a poison at them, just by a picture of the plants they were attacking, then the same technique could be used by the military to kill entire populations of whole cities. And this added to the discouragement. And ultimately, Uko had to close its doors. But the key thing to take away from all of this is that the concept they discovered that everything has its own individual frequency that had been really solidly established in the material world here. [00:10:55] And the same basic information had been communicated to us from one of the helpful dead, Betty White. You'd have to go back to one of the very early episodes. I think there were two of them discussing what Betty revealed. Now in our next session, we'll talk about how a doctor Abrams, had discovered the same thing earlier and how a living personality, Sherry Edwards, has discovered the same thing. [00:11:24] All right, that concludes today's discussion. Once again, I'm Dan McEnany bringing you lessons from the helpful dead.

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