Evidence for Reincarnation Since Cayce Died

January 06, 2023 00:06:02
Evidence for Reincarnation Since Cayce Died
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
Evidence for Reincarnation Since Cayce Died

Jan 06 2023 | 00:06:02


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

Here we briefly summarize the overwhelming amount of evidence from many cultures for some version of reincarnation presented over the past 80 years. Much of it is well documented by respected professors, psychiatrists and past-life therapists. And did you know reincarnation was a common belief held by Christians until the year 553?

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Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn that the world is not what it seems, and you are much more than you think you are. Here. You'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McEnany. In our last two sessions, we discussed Edgar Casey, the famous healer, who although he grew up reading the Bible just about every day, eventually came to believe in reincarnation as a result of the information he gave while in trance. Today. I'll briefly summarize just a little bit of the evidence for reincarnation since, uh, Casey died, which of course was quite some time ago since he died, there have been hundreds of books and studies that provide evidence of reincarnation. Speaker 1 00:01:18 Dr. Ian Stevenson Stevenson, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia, studied many well-documented cases of reincarnation in hundreds of carefully detailed cases. The only logical explanation of what was learned is that the person studied, had indeed lived previously as someone else. In these cases, the person could give details of the life of the person they had been. Often there were immediate members of the dead person's family who could verify the accuracy of these details. Now, Stevenson's work is only a fraction of the total studies on reincarnation, but it's probably the most respected from a scientific basis because he's so painstakingly documented his findings. Over the years, there have been many thousands of people who have been regressed under hypnotism to pass lives. A number of therapists, prominent among them, Brian Weiss, a psychiatrist and author of many Lives, many masters have recorded many cases of people's mental and physical conditions improving because they recalled and addressed past life issues and experiences. Speaker 1 00:02:39 The amount of evidence for reincarnation has grown to such proportions that a large percentage of American adults now believe in it. The book Reincarnation, the Phoenix Fire Mystery compiled and edited by Joseph Head and SL Cranston is an overwhelming collection of statements and writings by respected people from many cultures. It's 600 pages presented the thoughts of an impressive cross section of humanity, all of them indicating a belief in some sort of reincarnation. And we need to remember too that for the first 500 years of Christianity until it was condemned by church authorities in the year 5 33, a 5 53 rather reincarnation was a widely held belief. Peter Novak, in his book, the Division of Consciousness, gives interesting details that show just how widespread that belief was, not only in Christianity, but throughout the world, faced with all the evidence for reincarnation. If you're illogical person, you'll probably come to believe in it, at least in some form. Speaker 1 00:03:58 Otherwise, there are too many things that can't be explained. Now, as you'll learn in future sessions, I do not believe in it at as it's normally understood, but the bottom line of what I believe, based on the explanation of the entity Seth, whom we'll discuss in the future, which is similar to what Susie Smith's Communicants told her, uh, it's what I believe is not all that different for me. Incarnation as commonly understood, at least in terms of its practical implications for us here and now, some version of reincarnation also makes sense in another way in terms of there being a good God or beneficial primal force. It's difficult to imagine that a good God would put us on this earth just once for about a hundred years or less. Some of us growing up in nice homes and others in slums, some with loving parents and others being beaten every day, whereas yet, if you follow the teachings of some religions based on that one chance, this God is supposed to make a judgment for eternity that we will e either be perpetually blissful in heaven or miserable in hell. The concept of having more lives and more chances makes a lot more sense to a lot of people. Well, that concludes our discussion of reincarnation. If you'd like to research more information on it, uh, as far as evidence of the last couple of decades, uh, you can find plenty of evidence either online or at a library. In our next session, we'll talk about the famous out-of-body traveler, Bob Monroe and other travelers. Again, I'm Dan McIn, bringing you lessons from the Helpful Dead.

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