Impressive Memories of Consciousness Units & Your Role in the Future of the Human Species

May 24, 2023 00:14:07
Impressive Memories of Consciousness Units & Your Role in the Future of the Human Species
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
Impressive Memories of Consciousness Units & Your Role in the Future of the Human Species

May 24 2023 | 00:14:07


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

The Consciousness Units that are within all matter have a memory bank that would far surpass any computer's. They work with probabilities inside and outside the body, making numerous calculations and predictions before any of us could lift a finger or take one step. Your individual goals and the actions you take to achieve them, taking one probable action instead of another on a daily basis, affect the future experience of the entire human species. In dreams we experience what would happen if we choose one probability over another, and the next day we choose one and make that our acccepted reality. Collectively we all help form the accepted probability sequence of the following day. That applies to uneventful days as well as a day like 9/11. The past and future races of men and women impact to some extent what goes on in our mind today.

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Speaker 1 00:00:08 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems, and you are much more than you think you are. Here you learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discovered that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McIn. Today we'll talk about a few things, and the first is the remarkable memory of consciousness units. Let's see what the entity Seth has to say about them. He said the cells, of course, are always changing. The atoms and molecules within them are always in a state of flux. The consciousness units that are within all matter have a memory bank that would far surpass any computers as cellular components. The atoms and molecules therefore carry memory of all the forms of which they've been a part. Speaker 1 00:01:04 At deep levels, the cells are always working with probabilities and comparing probable actions and developments. In light of genetic information, the most intricate behavior is involved and calculations instantly made. For example, before you can take one step or lift your finger, think about that, huh? Wow. Before you can take a step or lift a finger. There's all kinds of calculations made by these consciousness units that are in your body, but this does not involve only the predictive behavior of the physical organism alone at the deeper levels of the cellular activity. This includes making predictive judgments about the environment outside of the body. Now, the body obviously does not operate alone, but in relationship with everything about it. When you want to walk across the room, the body must not only operate using hindsight and prediction as far as its own behavior is concerned, but it must take into consideration the predictive activity of all the other elements in the room. Speaker 1 00:02:13 So at basic levels, the motion of a muscle involves the motion of cells and of cellular components. Here I'm saying that the atoms and molecules themselves, because of their characteristics, not only deal with probabilities within the body's cellular structure, but also helps the body make predictive judgements about entities or objects outside of itself. Now, imagine that these tiny little consciousness units of which we're not aware in, there's, I guess, zillions of them, they're making, um, predictions and they're looking at all the different probabilities, not only about what goes on inside our bodies, but what goes on all around us. So he goes on, you know that a chair's not going to chase you around the room, for example. At least the odds are against it. You know this because you have a reasoning mind, but that particular kind of reasoning mind knows what it knows, because at deeper levels, the cells are aware of the nature of probable action. Speaker 1 00:03:15 The beliefs of the conscious mind, however, set your goals and purposes. You are the one who decides to walk across the floor, and then all of these inner calculations take place to help you achieve your goal. The conscious intent therefore activates the inner mechanisms and changes the behavior of the cells and their components. Now, did you realize that? Did you ever think about it? So you set your goals and purposes a zillion times a day, uh, with your conscious mind, but every time you do and you do something, then more zillions of these consciousness units are weighing calculations, weighing probabilities, deciding what's going to be, uh, happening, and, uh, both inside the body and out. And it's, uh, making predictions about various things in your environment. Uh, it's amazing all the calculations that go on just for anything you do during the day that's quite impressive. Speaker 1 00:04:23 So next time you walk across the street or walk across town or walk across the room, uh, you can give credit to the all the consciousness units that make up your body, I should say, all the consciousness units that propel your body. Now, here's another related thought that you probably have never given any consideration to. According to the entity, set the goals set consciously by your species. That's our human species, also set into operation the same kind of inner biological activity. And here's the important point. The goals of the species do not exist apart from individual goals as you go about your life. Therefore, you are very effectively taking part in the future development of your species, period. Let's look for a moment at the private psyche. The private psyche sounds like a fine term, but it's meaningless unless you apply it to your psyche, which would be a combination of your, uh, inner self and big self. Speaker 1 00:05:32 A small amount of self-examination should show that in a very simple way. You're always thinking about probabilities. You are always making choices between probable actions and alternate courses. A choice presupposes probable acts, each one possible, each capable of actualization within your system of reality. It's interesting because a TV commentator I listened to last night made this very point that your whole life where you are is a result of all the decisions you've made up to that point. And, uh, Seth goes on, your private experience is far more filled with such decisions than you usually realize. There are tiny, innocuous instances that come up daily. Shall I go to the movies or bowling? Shall I brush my teeth now or later? Should I write to my friend today or tomorrow? Should I call or text somebody right now or wait an hour? There are more pertinent questions having to do with careers, way of life or other deeper involvements in your terms. Speaker 1 00:06:37 Each decision you make alters the reality that you know, to one degree or another. So the big idea there is that when you set your mind on something, and then when you take action to achieve your goals, however big or small they may be, you are actually participating in the future of the entire species. Cause remember, the goal of the species, the goals of the species, they don't exist apart from your individual goals. You're planning a big part in the future development of the human species. And then, uh, Seth suggested a, uh, a practice exercise. He said, keep notes for a day or so. Of all the times you find yourself thinking of probable actions, large or small in your mind, try to follow what might have happened had you taken the course that you didn't take. Then imagine what might happen as a result of your chosen decisions. Speaker 1 00:07:38 You are a member of the species. Any choice you make privately affects it biologically and psychically. When he says it, he means the entire species. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you can lit, literally choose between health and illness, between a concentration upon the mental more than the physical or upon the physical more than the mental. Such private decisions affect the genetic heritage of your species. Your intent is all important for you can alter your own genetic messages within certain limits. You can cause a cell or a group of cells to change their self-image, for example. And again, you do this often as you healed yourself of diseases because of your intent to become well. The intent will be conscious, though the means may not be period in such a case. However, the self-healing qualities of the cells are reinforced and the self-healing abilities of the species are also strengthened. Speaker 1 00:08:41 Now, you might remember that, uh, Seth, uh, in the past has said that we heal ourselves of illnesses that we're not even aware of. That is the body self heals, you know, heals itself of illnesses that, that we aren't even aware. We have illnesses and diseases. The last idea I'll address today is one that I have mentioned in the past, and that is, uh, dreams and probabilities. But here is what, uh, Seth says. Your private psyche is intimately concerned with your earthly existence. And in your dream state, you deal with probable actions and often work out in that condition. The solutions to problems or questions that arise having to do with probable sequences of events on many occasions. Then you set yourself a problem, shall I do this or that? And you form a dream in which you follow through the probable futures that would result from the courses available while you are sleeping and dreaming. Speaker 1 00:09:41 Your chemical and hormonal activity faithfully follows the courses of the dreams even in your accepted reality. Then to that extent, in such a dream, you react to probable events as well as to the events chosen for waking physical experience. Your daily life is affected because in such a dream you deal with probable predictabilities, you're hardly alone. However. So each individual alive also has his or her private dreams, and these help form the accepted probability sequence of the following day and of time to come close. Quote, the personal decisions all add up to the global happenings on any given day. So the personal decisions all add up to the global happenings on any given day. Think about that. Think about nine 11 and somehow all of the accepted probability sequences that, uh, zillions of us thought about. Well, they all added up to the global happenings on nine 11 as well as any other day. Speaker 1 00:10:52 And here I'll also give you a personal example. Uh, many, many years ago I worked, uh, in, in Manhattan for a, uh, a very small consulting firm was just myself and another couple of fellows. And, uh, I had to make a decision whether to stay there or go to a larger place where I'd have more interaction with others. And in a dream, I experienced such a great sense of loneliness if I were to stay there. If I were to stay there. I just felt this loneliness. I I, I can even feel it today, many, many years later. Um, that then when I woke up, I realized I needed to change, uh, or I would become a very, very lonely person. And so indeed I did make the change. So it's, uh, just one personal example of how, uh, working things out in my dreams resulted in actions, uh, the next day and in subsequent days. Speaker 1 00:11:54 I'll finish up now with, uh, these remarks by Seth. There are lands of the mind that is the mind has its own civilizations, its own personal culture and geography, its own history and inclinations, but the mind is connected with the physical brain and so hidden in its folds. There is an arch archeological memory that's in the brain's folds, right? To some extent. What you know now is dependent upon what will be known and what has been known in your terms. The quote past close quote, racists of men live to that extent within your now, as do those who will seemingly come after. So ideally speaking, the history of your species can be discovered quite clearly within the psyche. And true archeological ad events are found not only by uncovering rocks and relics, but by bringing to light, so to speak, the memories that dwell within the psyche. Speaker 1 00:12:58 So what he, the point he's making there, that is that on deep levels, we are affected by the past races of men and the future, and women, of course, to one degree or another, they influence in our brain today, the, and the mind influences the brain in our to right now today with, uh, memory of, uh, future and past and with memory of the actions taken and probabilities pursued by future and past races of people. I've never really thought about that before. But, uh, it is very, very interesting to contemplate. You might want to do some thinking about it yourself. That plus the fact that whatever you do, whatever you think you are contributing to the experience of the entire human species. Well, that's it for today. Uh, again, I'm Dan McEnany, bringing you lessons from the helpful Dead.

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