
Episode 1 November 29, 2022 00:06:24
Lessons From The Helpful Dead

Nov 29 2022 | 00:06:24


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

Here you'll learn the world is not what it seems and you are much more than you think you are. Learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us. Find out what happens after we die, why we're here, where we're going, and discover you're really a powerful, eternal spirit.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn that the world is not what it seems, and you are much more than you think you are. Here you'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discovery. You are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McIn. This is my introductory podcast, and I'll start by asking you to imagine a few things. Wouldn't it be great if a pilot who died in the crash of an airliner he was flying could come back to explain what went wrong and how to fix the problem that caused the crash? Wouldn't it be great if a well-known psychic with two books to her credit could speak to her husband's six months after she died, just as though they were sitting across the kitchen table and explain what it was like for her. Speaker 1 00:01:07 Now, wouldn't it be great if a famous living healer could go into a trance, then travel through time and space to locate and describe an incident that years earlier went unnoticed, but later caused a person's illness? Wouldn't it be great if several people well-respected while alive, all came back after they transitioned to tell us the stages most of us go through after we die? Well, it is great, all of it, and it's already happened for many years. I've studied evidence about the afterlife that has accumulated over the past 125 years. I've written eight books about it and what it means for our future. It took me 30 years to research my first book because my wife Patty and I were raising five wonderful kids who are now wonderful adults, and I was so busy earning a living in the business world that I had limited time for research. Speaker 1 00:02:01 And just so you know that I'm a down to earth level-headed, logical person. Over the past 20 years, insurance companies paid me to develop business plans for people on disability who wanted to risk their monthly payments and settle their claim for a cash payout in order to start or buy a business. Now, fortunately, I was able to show a lot of them that business wouldn't work and they'd lose their money, so there was no settlement, but dozens of others worked with me to put together a sound business plan for what would likely be a successful business. I've written a book about them. Be assured, when you're dealing with something so important as a disabled person's financial future, you need to be logical, critical, and skeptical. You must examine the evidence carefully, and that's what I did when researching evidence about the afterlife. So why am I starting this podcast? Speaker 1 00:02:52 It's to help anyone who fears death, uh, anyone who wonders what happens after we die. Anyone who doesn't think we continue, continue to exist after death. Anyone who questions the meaning of our lives. Anyone who doesn't believe God exists and anyone who believes there is a good God but can't figure out how a good God could have created a world with so much suffering, there are solid, satisfying answers to all these issues. When I first started researching this field decades ago, I found it amazing that so many people were still getting excited that there was evidence for life after death. Their excitement was understandable, but there was already so much solid evidence from so many credible sources. It seemed to me that it was time to get past celebrating life after death and move on. Sure, there were thousands of personal messages from Aunt Susie or Brother Bill that would have meaning for one or two people, but why not start exploring whether there was credible information from dead people that would help all of us. Speaker 1 00:03:53 Now, a lot of people think no one's ever come back to give us information about what they experienced after they died, but contrary to popular belief, a lot of people have come back to tell us they provided convincing evidence. They were who they said they were, and they had good reasons to communicate to us, mainly to help us in one way or another. Their input is positive and reassuring. As I said, they agree on many things, but there are two ideas they all shared. One, the world is not what it seems. Two, we are much more than we think we are. It's not surprising that their ideas agree with what great healers and famous out-of-body travelers tell us, but it might surprise you that their ideas match up closely with the theories that several quantum physicists have agreed on for decades. We'll talk about them in a future podcast. Speaker 1 00:04:47 In, uh, future podcasts, you'll also hear stories of impressive people both living and dead and what they revealed. Of course, you'll also learn that the supposedly dead are very much alive. Some were just recently dead. Others had died months ago, some years ago, and in one case, a particularly impressive body of knowledge was shared by a spirit entity that had lived all its lives and deaths in our earth reality and gone on. That spirit has chosen to be a teacher who slips in and out of realities like ours to explain the vast underlying reality that makes our reality and others possible. Now, the stories you'll hear will explain not only the big picture of why and how we're here, but also how we can make the most of the lives we're living right now. These messages are uplifting. They've helped me live with less anxiety and fear and have gotten me through some difficult times. Speaker 1 00:05:44 They've also helped me appreciate myself and others just as we are without any improvements. If these ideas click with you and you find yourself saying, of course they make sense of this world, well, that's a good sign that you're meant to find out about these lessons from the Helpful Dead and enjoy a more fulfilling life in the process. Now, in the next episode, you learn about Frederick Meyers as a classical scholar who died in 1901 and who communicated for 30 years about what he'd learned and experienced after he died Again, I'm Dan McEnany, bringing you lessons from the helpful Dead.

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