Psychics While Alive Support What the Helpful Dead Tell Us

December 27, 2022 00:05:32
Psychics While Alive Support What the Helpful Dead Tell Us
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
Psychics While Alive Support What the Helpful Dead Tell Us

Dec 27 2022 | 00:05:32


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

Emanuel Swedenborg, the famous 18th century scientist, government official and psychic, traveled for several years with his consciousness in the spirit world, describing it in ways that, in many respects, support what the Helpful Dead tell us.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems. And you are much more than you think you are. Here. You'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from a supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McEnany. We've been talking about living sources that support the idea that the world is not what it seems. And we talked about your own intellect, your reasoning mind, and we also looked at what scientists had to say. Today we'll turn to psychics, uh, particularly psychics who were alive when they provided this information. And the first one we'll look at is Emmanuel Vaden Borg. A lot of books have been written about him. Speaker 1 00:01:05 He's fairly well known, and he's significant because his input not come, comes not just from a hundred years ago, but from over 300 years ago. So this kind of information has been coming to us for a long time. A lot of books have been written about him, so he's fairly well known as a respected psychic. He was the son of a bishop and professor of theology. Now Emmanuel was a brilliant scholar from Boyhood and had several notable achievements as a scientist. He suggested the Nebular hypothesis of the solar system long before Laplace and Cont, and he made several important discoveries relating to phosphorescence, magnetism, atomic theory, and crystalography. As an anatomist and physiologist. He outlined the modern science of neurology, diagramming the functions of brain cells, the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord. He anticipated later research in endocrinology. His scientific writings were in Latin, uh, and amazingly he also served as a government official and a legislator. Speaker 1 00:02:17 He received psychic compressions while still active as a scientist. The most famous was on a Saturday afternoon when he was in Gutenberg, 300 miles from Stockholm. In the year 1759, he had, uh, visions where he saw Stockholm burning, including several details of the property damaged. Now, the following Tuesday morning, news of the great Stockholm Fire reached Gutenberg with details exactly as Denberg had described. At age 57, he had an extraordinary spiritual experience in which it seemed that the heavens were open to him. He said at that time, he ended his studies in natural science so that he could spend full-time exploring the new dimensions of reality that had been shown to him. Subsequently, he traveled extensively with his consciousness in the world of the Spirit, communicating with its inhabitants and writing extensively about his experiences. He too reported different levels in the afterlife from surroundings, very much like our own here on earth, with people busy in some pursuit for the general good with everyone learning and teaching up to the higher realms where advanced souls, uh, become aware of a central radiance, a spiritual light emanating from God. Speaker 1 00:03:40 So we travel the full spectrum from, uh, surroundings just like ours up to the higher realms. He emphasized that in the initial and intermediate realms, the occupants are a little different from ourselves in terms of nobleness. As he said, there can be entities no less mean than some of those unearth and occupations. No more worthy. Even the angels, he said are but good men in a favoring sphere, not to be worshiped, but to be treated more as brethren. Now, this input reinforces the notion that the initial death spirit experience is not the same for all of us, just as it's not in life. Now, as I said, there have been a lot of books written about 'em, and in one of them, the Life, uh, beyond Death, uh, which was authored by Arthur Ford as, uh, told to Jerome Ellison, it was noted that Straten Borg was the last great Western scientist to demonstrate psychic powers. Speaker 1 00:04:38 The point is made there that since then many scientists have acknowledged having such powers, but they're a loaf to demonstrate them publicly because they would be discredited by the materialistic scientific establishment, which insists there can be no reality except that which can be measured, weighed, seen, heard, smelled, et cetera by the Five Senses. Regardless, Spangenberg's input remains an impressive body of information by an impressive psychic scientist, and its general principles are consistent with those of dozens of other highly credible psychics. In our next session, we'll talk about a description of psychic's, quote, worldview Close quote by Larry Lehan. Again, I'm Dan McEnany, bringing you lessons from the Helpful Dead.

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