Quantum Physicists Tell Us the World is Not What it Seems #2

December 25, 2022 00:11:08
Quantum Physicists Tell Us the World is Not What it Seems #2
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
Quantum Physicists Tell Us the World is Not What it Seems #2

Dec 25 2022 | 00:11:08


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

For over a century quantum physicists, trying to identify the smallest elements of matter, have concluded that when you get down to the smallest bits of matter, there is nothing there! They tell us the world we perceive with our five senses is not what it seems.

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Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems, and you are much more than you think you are. Here you'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McEnany. Today we'll continue our discussion of the quantum physicists who tell us the world that we perceive with our five senses is really not what it seems. In the previous session, we talked about the first 14 of what I call the fantastic 40 theorems and conclusions of these quantum physicists. We'll start today with uh, number 15. Number 15 is the existence of one ultimate flow of time throughout the physical universe is an incorrect perception. Speaker 1 00:01:16 Number 16, time and space are not separate. There's only one space time, a continuum which flows continuously. Number 17, it is more useful to think in terms of a static, non-moving picture of space in time and which events just are as opposed to a view in which time moves forward. And events develop. Events do not develop. They just are number 18. Along the same lines, everything that exists already exists in total, all the past, present, and future exists at once. Please remember that statement number 18 when we talk about the famous healer Edgar Casey in one of the future podcasts. Number 19, all of the past and all of the future for each individual meet and forever meet at one single point. Now, number 20, the now of each individual is specifically located and will never be found in any other place than here. Close quote, meaning wherever the observer is number 21. Speaker 1 00:02:42 Mass and energy are different forms of the same thing like space and time. They are not separate entities. Number 22, and here's a big one. There is no such thing as matter. Matter is a curvature of the space. Time continuum. There is not even such a thing as energy. Energy equals mass and mass is space time curvature. Admittedly, that's a bit technical, but remember that first phrase, it's a big one. There is no such thing as matter. Number 23, there is nothing but space, time, and motion. And they in effect are the same thing. Number 24, matter is actually a series of patterns out of focus. The search for the ultimate stuff of the universe ends with the the discovery that there isn't any number 25. According to particle physics, the world is fundamentally dancing energy, energy that is everywhere and incessantly, assuming first this form and then that 26 physical reality is essentially non substantial matter is simply the momentary manifestation of interacting fields, shades there of Betty White who told us that matter is simply an arrested frequency. Speaker 1 00:04:15 Number 27. In other parts of the universe, antiparticles combined into anti atoms to make anti molecules which make anti-matter, which is what anti-people would be made of. There are no anti-people in our part of the universe because if there were, they all long sense would've disappeared in a flash of light. Number 28, an antiparticle is a particle moving backward in time. Number 29, and this is, uh, an important one. A particle can reverse its direction in time more than once. Number 30 events do not unfold with the flow of time, but present themselves complete like a finished painting on the fabric of space. Time movements backward and forward in time are no more significant than movements backward and forward in space. I'll repeat that sentence. Movements backward and forward in time are no more significant than movements backward and forward in space. Again, remember that one for when we talk in the future about Edgar Casey. Speaker 1 00:05:32 Number 31, it is conceivable that we can experience timelessness. Number 32 is a long one, but it is important in particle physics there are particle interactions in which where there was nothing in a flash of spontaneous existence, these particles come into being then vanish without a trace. In other words, from empty space comes something and then that something disappears again into empty space. This shows that the concept of a completely empty barren space is simply a notion that we have made up. There is no such thing as empty space. Empty and full are false distinctions that we have created. Uh, this is consistent with what, uh, the helpful dead have told us about there being a lot of activity around us all the time of which we're not aware. Number 33, we have lived so long in our dis abstractions that instead of realizing they are drawn from the real world, we believe that they are the real world. Speaker 1 00:06:42 This is another way of saying a point we made earlier that what we perceive with our five senses is really an idea we have constructed about reality. So you can think of the universe we perceive as idea construction Number 34 Bells theorem tells us there is no such thing as separate parts. All parts of the universe are connected in an intimate and immediate way, previously claimed only by mystics and other scientifically objectionable people. Number 35, our thought processes, processes, project elusory restrictions onto the real world. Again, the universe as idea construction. Alright, number 36, Bell's theorem. A mathematical proof proves that if the statistical predictions of quantum theory are correct, then some of our accepted ideas about the world are profoundly mistaken. It shows that the principle of local causes, which says that what happens in one area does not depend upon variables subject to the control of an experimenter in a distant space like area that the principle of local causes is an illusion. Speaker 1 00:08:06 Again, the principle of local causes says that what happens in one area does not depend upon variables, subject, subject to the control of an experimenter in a distant space like area. Well, they're saying that's an illusion. 37, since the principle of local causes is false, the world cannot be the way it appears. The idea that events are autonomous happenings is an illusion. And number 38, ultimately when you confront the truth that the principle of local causes fails, you need to assume either that we possess free will and can choose how to perform experiments or that free will is an illusion and that nothing could be be different than it is not even the initial situation of the universe. If you choose to believe in free will, then it is logical to believe in the many world's theory, which says there is a different addition of us and each of the different branches of the universe as it constantly splits into different realities. Speaker 1 00:09:14 Number 39, the most fundamental level of reality is an unbroken wholeness, which is quote that which is close quote. It denies the classical idea of the analyzability of the world into separate and independently existing parts. And number 40, the final of the fantastic 40 both being and non being are quote that witch is everything. Even emptiness is that witch is there is nothing, which is not that witch is reminds me of what a Jesuit told me many years ago while sitting on a plane and discussing these things. And he made the simple statement, uh, nothing can exist outside of God. And when you think about it, uh, that's pretty profound. Now, the books that I've cited were written back in the 1970s. So if you're thinking, well, maybe things have changed a lot since then and I wonder if any of these, uh, quantum physicists, uh, still believe in the, uh, many world's theory. Speaker 1 00:10:21 For instance, if you think that you might want to listen to a 90 minute video that features Sean Carroll, a theoretical physicist, uh, and it's uh, there he talks about the many worlds of quantum mechanics and you can locate it under the Big Think series of, uh, videos on YouTube. Not all of his ideas agree with what the Helpful Dead have told us, and it might be interesting for you to compare his ideas with those that the Helpful Dead have told us about. We'll stop here right now and in our next session we'll talk about how everything has memory, including our hearts. Again, I'm Dan McEnany, bringing you lessons from the Helpful Dead.

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