The Entity Seth, "Deadest of the Dead"

January 18, 2023 00:11:21
The Entity Seth, "Deadest of the Dead"
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
The Entity Seth, "Deadest of the Dead"

Jan 18 2023 | 00:11:21


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

Here I introduce Seth, a spirit or "energy personality essence" who has completed the reincarnational cycle of human lives and deaths on earth. Seth is part of a group of spirits that choose to do some "volunteer work." They slip in and out of different realities and time frames to explain to the inhabitants of those realities the true "illusory" nature of the world they perceive, and the underlying "bedrock" reality supporting their illusory reality.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you learn the world is not what it seems, and you are much more than you think you are. Here you learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McInerney. Today we'll discuss the entity, Seth. Now, as you've seen over the past, uh, hundred years and more, there have been several people who channeled information from Discarnate entities and some have become quite well known. Some are supposedly connected with particular star systems and others are groups of intelligences like Betty White's Invisibles, whose connection to a star system have mentioned at all is only incidental. Almost any information coming through a channel or a medium will be influenced by the filters of the channel. Speaker 1 00:01:16 Now, some of the material that's come through, uh, in the past 50 years or so is seemingly more influenced that way than others. Some seem to have an ax to grind, perhaps wanting to warn us about a conspiracy or an energy shift about to occur. So some of it sounds like a good script for Star Trek, complete with bad guys and councils of planets and star systems. But others have a good deal of credibility by virtue of the quality and the quantity of the material they deliver and the fact that what they say is reinforced and generally agreed to by other high quality sources. Betty White's material, for example, was of excellent quality, as was Arthur Ford's and Frederick Myers. Now, back in the 1970s, the Course in Miracles was channeled. Now the source was purported to be Jesus Christ as he exists and would communicate to us today. Speaker 1 00:02:15 I suppose that's feasible, but it's not important. Whether some or all aspects of the entity who assumed the Jesus identity 2000 years ago is the source. The material itself is excellent. I found it difficult to understand in places, but it is a body of knowledge that's comprehensive and it's generally consistent with the principles that have been repeated time and again from various sources. Uh, in the mid nineties still, Neil Donald Walsh, um, had a, uh, conversations with God's series of books. Uh, you have to wonder why the, uh, entity that he channeled was content with letting Neil Donald Walsh, uh, call this entity God. But if you can set that aside, a lot of his information was good. It was certainly entertaining and it reaffirms some of the basic truths that have been repeated so often over the last century or more. Likewise, uh, the Cel Celine Prophecy was popular some decades ago, hinting at many of the same ideas. Speaker 1 00:03:23 Friends of mine have mentioned a half dozen other authors in recent decades whose channeled writings they would consider equally or more impressive. But that's beside the point. My perspective is we need all of the respectable channels we can get reinforcing these basic understandings of the way things really are, because the more consistency we can see in them, the more compelling the total body of evidence becomes of them all. However, the Seth entity stands out head and shoulders above all others. Now, for the purpose of understanding what our reality is about and what we're here for, I have not come across any material that's so comprehensive, consistent, credible, and non-st distorted as that provided by the entity Seth. Others have only bits and pieces of what he provided, and to my knowledge, no channels disagree in any substantial way with his information. Now, Seth spoke through a medium in Elmira, New York, Jane Roberts from 1963 until her death in 1984, and she developed her talent in al almost the same way Betty White did. Speaker 1 00:04:38 Now for purposes of communication, Seth took on a male identity, sort of a friendly old professor, quite humorous and likable. Jane worked with her husband, Rob Butts dictating to him while in trance with Seth speaking and Rob taking notes. The material was published just as Seth dictated it with a major publisher, Prentice Hall. They published over a dozen books of considerable considerable length, a and it's, uh, important for you to understand that. Um, when I am presenting any of the ideas that Seth shared, uh, they're just a simplified version of a tiny bit of wisdom that Seth imparted about life beyond this earth and how we can make the most of this lifetime in an eternal sense. Now, before I go into any of Seth's ideas, I want to emphasize that Jane and Rob's Rob rather were basically a very serious down to earth people. Speaker 1 00:05:41 There was no mystical feeling about things with them. Both of them worked or rather had worked in various positions before they devoted most of their time to producing the Seth material. There was a group of, uh, new Yorkers from, uh, from New York City that would drive up to Elmira, uh, at least once a week. I understand. And, uh, some of them were a little bit rowdy, so there was not this mystical feeling, uh, of the beyond so much rather, it was, uh, almost like a discussion group. Uh, and, uh, Seth, again, taking on a human personality that was quite likable. Uh, this does not appear to be the, uh, writings of a mystic or anything like that, but rather a wise entity trying to share some helpful information with us before and after many of their sessions, Rob added notes and you can see from the research he did, that he was your down to worth practical person, uh, who uh, not only had a work history, but he was a very intelligent person, very objective. Speaker 1 00:06:48 And if you read any of the Seth books, I advise you to read his notes carefully, along with the material dictated by the entity Seth. Also, you'll see that Jane herself, uh, was quite questioning about the material and the source of it. It took her a while before she believed it was indeed a well-intentioned entity. I say this because it adds to their credibility and to Seth of course. And, uh, I would say that if you read any of the books, but especially the two that I'll recommend, you will see how focused and grounded both Jane and Rob were as humans. Um, but they were also eventually accepting of the material and the validity of its source. Now, Seth explained that he was part of a group of entities, which, uh, he called energy personality essences. I'll repeat that. Energy personality essences. Okay. This group of entities have lived all their lives and deaths in the earth, uh, incarnation, uh, sphere, and they cho choose to do some volunteer work. Speaker 1 00:08:00 What they do is they would slip in and out of different realities and timeframes to explain to the inhabitants of those realities. That's us and others, to explain to the inhabitants of those realities, the true elusory nature of the world they perceive as well as some of the underlying bedrock reality supporting it Now, because his view was not just from between lives, but rather from the point of view of having completed the reincarnation cycle. Seth's material is especially instructive in terms of what the bigger picture is like beyond the world we experience on a daily basis. Now, what he tells us is eminently respectable from a metaphysical point of view, it's easy to understand, makes good common sense, and can be be put to practical use by almost anyone. Now, according to Seth, ours is a camouflage reality where the workings of our five senses play a large role in its creation. Speaker 1 00:09:08 Again, shades of Larry Luhan. It is part of a deeper underlying reality which supports many such worlds. Now, in addition to Bob Monroe and Joe McMonagle, who both, uh, visited Jane and Rob and were convinced that, uh, they were pretty much right on the button when it comes to meaningful, uh, truthful information, this is consistent with the information that Larry Chen got from many psychics with the world as Betty White described it, and as Frederick Meyers described it, now Seth likens the world we see to a play in which we each act out our roles, unaware for the most part, that they are only roles and not the full extent of our being in many, uh, uh, in the many books he dictated. Rather, he goes into great detail about hundreds of concepts, and I'll be extracting just, uh, a few of the most basic things he told us and those which are most essential for understanding why we're here and what the world is all about. Speaker 1 00:10:15 Now, I strongly recommend that at some point you read at least Seth Speaks and the nature of personal reality, both with, uh, Jane Roberts as the author Seth Speaks, and the nature of Personal Reality. They were the second and fourth books, okay? So they were the really, the first two books he dictated. Jane had her own books there in between, so that you can appreciate firsthand when you read these, the comprehensive consistent nature of the information he shared through Jane. I see we're almost up to 11 minutes, so I'll stop here for today. But in the next session, we'll, uh, discuss how, uh, Seth explained probable cells and counterparts. Uh, and if we have time, we'll go into, uh, focus versus cause and effect as the operating mechanism in our world. But, uh, probably just the discussion of probable cells and counterparts, uh, will be enough to fill up the next session. Once again, I'm Dan McIn, bringing you lessons from the Helpful Dead.

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