The Future Pulls More Strongly than the Past Pushes & Interspecies Communication

October 04, 2023 00:11:53
The Future Pulls More Strongly than the Past Pushes & Interspecies Communication
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
The Future Pulls More Strongly than the Past Pushes & Interspecies Communication

Oct 04 2023 | 00:11:53


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

The consciousness units (CUs) that are the basic building blocks of our reality are aware of probable pasts and futures, which they experience as an all-encompassing Now. They are acquainted with all probable developments regardless of "time." They are aware of so much in their "freewheeling nature" that they make possible the transference of lessons learned from one species to another. Evolution as we understand it does not exist. Instead there are parallel developments outside of "time," and the CUs are aware of them, but do not experience them as past or future. Our thoughts and feelings are quite as real as the CUs and the cells, genes and chromosomes that make up all physical reality. Just like the CUs, our thoughts and feelings go out in all directions, and we have a precognitive awareness of our probable futures. That awareness helps to bring about the present we experience, as we focus with intensity on a particular future we wish to bring about. The important point to remember is, we are not limited by any of our pasts: by using our ability to focus intensely on what we wish to experience, we can make sure the future pulls more strongly than the past pushes.

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[00:00:09] Welcome to Lessons from the Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems and you are much more than you think you are. Here you'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McEnany. Today we're going to talk about how the future pulls more strongly than the past pushes. But to get there, we're first going to have to take a look at interspecies communication and the concepts of evolution versus parallel developments. The entity. Seth discussed these subjects and others quite succinctly. And now we'll take a look at what he had to say. He starts out with the special challenge that consciousness faces when it is manifested in our reality. To be effective, he said, within your system of reality, consciousness must, of course, deal with specializations, because that's what we're all about. That's us with our up close, very tight focus on just one reality, ignoring all the others. Specialization, he goes on. Beneath these specializations, so to speak, the consciousness units are aware of the different kinds of consciousness of which they are a part. By their nature, certain kinds of organization, behavior and experimentation exclude other quite as valid but different approaches. The cus and their freewheeling nature beneath all matter are acquainted with all such organizations so that some of the lessons learned by one species are indeed transferred to another. [00:02:06] Now, that's a concept we seldom think about, which would be interspecies communication, whether it's on a conscious or unconscious level. He goes on, one particular experiment in consciousness may be pursued by one species, for example, and that knowledge can be given to another or transferred to another, where it appears as instinct. [00:02:30] When that happens, he said, it will be used as a basis for a different kind of behavior, a different kind of exploration or experiment. [00:02:39] I have said that evolution does not exist, as you think of it, in any kind of one line ape to man time sequence. No other species developed in that manner either. Instead, there are parallel developments. [00:02:54] Your time perception shows you but one slice of the whole cake, for instance. So we've touched on that concept in recent episodes and in a number of the earlier episodes where we talk about God being the simultaneous infinite explosion of all that is and how animal men and men animals existed at the same time as humans, our ancestors. Now, here is where he starts to get into the concept of the future and the future and how it pulls the present in thinking in terms of consecutive time. However, evolution does not march from the past into the future. [00:03:38] That's a surprise to a lot of us. Instead, the species is precognitively aware of those changes that it wants to make and from the quote future it alters the quote present state of the chromosomes and genes to bring about in the probable future the specific changes it desires both above and below your usual conscious focus. Then time is experienced in an entirely different fashion and is constantly manipulated as physically you manipulate matter. So at the level of the consciousness units that make up our awareness, we are at that level already aware of probable futures. And depending on which of those probable futures we wish to focus on with intensity, that's the one that will come about. That's the one that we will experience in the physical material reality. Seth goes on the consciousness units forming the structure later in its entirety form all the atoms, molecules, cells and organs that make up your world. Land changes and the alteration of species are conditions that are brought about in line with the overall patterns that involve all species or land and water masses at any given quote time. There is a great organization of consciousness involved on such occasions sometimes creative catalysts in which, again, from its own precognitive information nature brings about those situations that are best suited to its needs. Such biological precognition is firmly based in the chromosomes and the genes and reflected in the cells. As mentioned earlier, the present corporeal structure of any physical body of any kind is maintained only because of the cell's innate precognitive abilities. To the cell. [00:05:48] The future, of course, is not experienced as future. It's simply one of the emerging conditions of an experienced now with a capital N. [00:05:59] The cells practically felt now includes then what you would think of as past and future as simple conditions of nowness. They maintain the body's structure in your poised time only by manipulating themselves in a rich medium of probabilities. There's a constant give and take of communication between the cell as you know it in present time and the cell as it quote was in the past or quote will be. So the cells have to manipulate themselves in order to form our reality for us. They have to kind of ignore the future and past although they have an effect and they have to focus on whatever present reality we wish to bring about. Seth went on. He said the cell's comprehension leaps its present form. The reality, the physical reality of any given cell is the focused result of its existence before and after itself in time. And from its knowledge of past and future it receives its present structure. So, as mentioned earlier, for the cells, the chromosomes, the genes in all of them there's an awareness of future and past, an awareness of probabilities. And they have to kind of manipulate themselves into whatever reality we're focusing on that we want to bring into physical matter. Now, in the next well, the next paragraph, which is probably the last one I'll read seth then goes on to talk about how we with our thoughts and feelings, how we form organizations. So here he said in a larger sense, the same applies to any given species. You are yourselves in time then, because of the cells that exist before and after you in time, just like the cells, right? On a cellular basis this is true. [00:07:57] In psychic terms, it is also true. Important point coming up here. Your thoughts and feelings are quite as real as your cells. Your thoughts and feelings are quite as real as your cells. They also form organizations. Your desires go out from you in time, but in all directions. [00:08:22] On the one hand, as a species, your present forms your future. [00:08:26] But in even deeper terms, your precognitive awareness of your own possibilities from the future helps to form the present that will then make that probable future your reality. [00:08:41] In physical terms, you may want a new city. So now you begin urban renewal. Architects draw plans that first were dreams. Of course, inside their minds, preparations are begun, buildings torn down. In very simple terms, the architect's dream can be called a precognitive event, inserted from a probable future into the present. [00:09:06] The physical planning carried out is in line with the envisioned future and brings it about. [00:09:15] In greater terms, the race has plans for itself. [00:09:19] Only these are based on a much vaster comprehension of the probable issues, abilities and conditions involved. So there's a very important point here for us as individuals and as groups of nations and as a human race, put simply, we are not bound by the past. So it does none of us any good to focus and concentrate upon anything in the past where we didn't do well, we didn't measure up, we failed in one way or another. Instead, the whole universe is geared to let us develop whatever future we wish. All the probable futures are out there and at the cellular level that is understood. [00:10:08] And what we need to remember is that at any quote moment we can choose to focus on the kind of future that we want to bring about. [00:10:18] And the cells, with their comprehension are already aware of that probability. And so they will manifest themselves according to whatever it is that we're focusing on. [00:10:31] In a way, it's like magic or like what? The belief system territories, which are generally considered to be the heaven of our earthly reality. Here in the belief system territories, or the third stage, after we quote, die, whatever we focus and concentrate upon and wish to happen boom. It happens immediately. Well, the same thing applies here, only it takes more quote time. It doesn't happen quote immediately. And that's on purpose because it's part of our training. But the point of all this is that as people and as nations, we don't need to focus on bad things we've done or things where we didn't do well. We can instead choose to focus on the future. The future that we want the future that the cells and genes and chromosomes are already aware of to an extent. And using intense focus and concentration, we bring about with our thoughts and our feelings, which are just as real as the cells, he said. Right. With our thoughts and feelings that are just as real, we can bring about the physical, material reality that we want. I know that sounds like magic, but it's really the way things work. That concludes our discussion for today. And again, I'm Dan McEnany, bringing you lessons from the helpful dead.

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