You & Your Possible Involvement in the Israeli-Hamas War

October 18, 2023 00:09:49
You & Your Possible Involvement in the Israeli-Hamas War
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
You & Your Possible Involvement in the Israeli-Hamas War

Oct 18 2023 | 00:09:49


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

As you know from past episodes, and from my books, you and I are Focus Personalities, and the Big You, which might also be termed the Soul or Psyche, is a spirit who has many such Focus Personalities going on in various centuries, with varying characteristics. Those focused in our present are termed "Counterparts." With the horrors of war impressed on our senses each day, we have to ask ourselves, is there a Counterpart of ourselves who is involved in the Israeli-Hamas war, perhaps participating as a member of Hamas? This brief episode goes more deeply into the possibility and its implications for each of us. It touches on the connectedness of everyone living at the same time, on communicaton through the centuries, and on value fulfillment.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:09] Welcome to Lessons from the Helpful Dead, where you'll learn that the world is not what it seems, and you are much more than you think you are. Here, you'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan Mceadenney. Our physical senses are bombarded each day with images and sounds of the Israeli Hamas war. And today, we're going to talk about you, who you really are, and your possible involvement in the Israeli Hamas war. [00:00:56] By now, you know if you've listened to many of the episodes or read any of my books, by now you know that you and I are focus personalities. We are that part of our big self. That's who we really are. We're that part of our big self who is focused in the human time space illusion. Now, the big Self, which you could call the psyche or the soul if you wish, the Big Self is a spirit. And that spirit has many focus personalities going on in different time frames on this Earth. And the Big Self, that's who you really are has focused personalities like you and me going on in various centuries, various countries, various cultures, with various levels of education, intelligence, and emotional capabilities, and quite possibly with various values. [00:01:55] So that spirit, as we've said many times, that's who you really are. You are your Big self, the spirit focusing in the human time space illusion as a particular personality with all of your distinct and individual characteristics. So you are at once yourself, the personality that you know yourself to be. And you're also the Big Self who has many such personalities like you, or they may not be much like you. And that's the question we're going to address here today in a relatively brief session. The question is, who are some of these other focus personalities that are part of the real you? They are as much a part of the big you as you are. I know we'd all like to think that all of our counterparts are outstanding, wonderful human beings of the highest caliber, but we don't know that. We do know that. The Seth entity has said that every white person has a counterpart who is black on this Earth right now. But that doesn't tell all of us a whole lot, given that we might have many counterparts on Earth at any given time. So I have to ask myself, is some other part of me a member of Hamas, a member who has committed all those atrocities? [00:03:28] Or is some part of me a member of ISIS, al Qaeda, the Taliban, Islamic Jihad? I hope not. [00:03:37] I'd like to think that my big self, my soul, has reached some level of advancement or development so that it does not energize a focus personality who's one of my counterparts who would have such different level of values from my own. But I don't know that. And very likely you don't know that either. [00:04:03] In fact, I'd like to think that no counterpart of mine is a Muslim, though it's quite possible that one or more of them are. If they are, I hope they're one of those peace loving Muslims who ignore that part of Muhammad's teaching which says, go out and kill Christians and Jews. [00:04:23] I'd like to think that if any other parts of me who I really am, the big me I'd like to think that if they are of that ilk that they are positioned in some other century way back when, maybe 6th century or whatever. But I don't know. And neither do you. And neither do most people. In fact, most people aren't even aware they have counterparts. Or there might be other parts of the big you and me who are in other centuries, in the future, in the past who are doing things that would set us aghast. We'd be horrified by their actions, perhaps, but we don't know. Now, the entity Seth did comment at one time about some of the great people like DA Vinci being aware of others through the centuries and communicating with them at some level in other centuries. And in a way, there is some parallel the way that Muhammad's teachings have reached into this century. Now, we know that on a larger scale, there is no time. So that the existence of someone teaching what Muhammad taught and the existence of Hamas people following what he taught and committing what we would consider atrocities, we know that's all happening at once. We also know that there is an interconnectedness of everything that's on the planet at any given time. [00:05:59] So that whether it's little insects or animals or humans, there is a connectedness of all the things that are existing on this planet at this time. Now, that connectedness is not at a level that we understand or are familiar with, but it's there and beyond the connectedness and the fact that everything's happening now, there's also the issue of value fulfillment. Seth has often mentioned and emphasized that one of the main purposes for the big self's involvement in HTSI and one of our main purposes is value fulfillment, the fulfillment of values that we hold dear. That raises a lot of questions for any of us personally. If we're here and we have certain values and we'd like to think we might be fulfilling them, do other parts of our soul, our big self, do they have values similar to ours, and are they fulfilling them? [00:07:00] I just don't know. I do know that the entity Seth He did state that all focused personalities will eventually develop to a point where they advance well beyond what we are now. And some of the experiences of the out of body traveler Bob Monroe support that let me read here just a couple of sentences that Seth touched on here. He said, the entity, that's the soul. The entity is aware of the experiences of all of its personalities. [00:07:39] To the entity, your own consciousness could be likened to one stream of consciousness. [00:07:46] The greater part of your own identity, then, is completely aware of all of your conscious and unconscious living material. [00:07:56] It is also aware of the same kind of data from all of its and your parts. [00:08:05] Well, okay, then the big self, the soul, that's who we really are. That's aware of all that's going on with all the Counterparts and all the past and future personalities that are a part of it. It's aware of all of it. And of course, I'm assuming that it's aware that this is all an illusion as we've talked about many times. But it's a very real illusion for those of us experiencing it. [00:08:31] As for us focus personalities, we don't have that kind of vision and comprehension. So each of us is going to have to go our own merry way, unaware of many, many things, many connections. And many other times, we have to go our own way. And as Bob Monroe said, just do the best you can. And if we are able to fulfill most of our values in any given lifetime, well, we don't really need to worry too much about what other parts of ourselves are doing, even if they are doing some things that we would definitely disapprove of. In fact, they may be doing things at which we'd be horrified. [00:09:12] So you and I, we can certainly hope that there's no part of us that's burning people to death and cutting babies heads off and doing all kinds of horrible things to young women. And since we really don't know, there's no sense worrying about it. All we can do is within the power of our focus. Just keep on doing the best we can. [00:09:35] So all of this gives each of us a lot to contemplate and think about and guess about. [00:09:41] And that will conclude today's discussion. [00:09:45] Again, I'm Dan McEnany, bringing you lessons from the helpful dead.

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