You're an Actor, You're Here for Me to Love You, and Two Songs

March 21, 2023 00:18:09
You're an Actor, You're Here for Me to Love You, and Two Songs
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
You're an Actor, You're Here for Me to Love You, and Two Songs

Mar 21 2023 | 00:18:09


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

Each of us "focus personalities" is playing a role here on earth, one of many we play before leaving the Human Time-Space Illusion. Shakespeare's "all the world's a stage" comment applies here. And how could you be here for me to love you if you're a cruel tyrant who kills and tortures many people? You can't, unless I think in terms of the Big Self energizing the tyrant, and recognize that what we perceive are ideas that we have constructed about reality, not reality itself. And the songs? They are about the true nature of spirituality and the fact that we are all travelers.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems. And you are much more than you think you are. Here. You'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McInerney. Today I'm going to try to do a few things. One is to, uh, review why you should believe any of this at all. Uh, another is to, uh, review just one or two other basic, uh, ideas. And third, uh, to entertain you with, uh, one or two songs. Now, first to, uh, review briefly why you should believe any of the ideas that have been put forth, uh, in the various, uh, podcast episodes. Speaker 1 00:01:01 Well, the short answer is evidence and logic. Uh, if we remember, the airmen who would not die, would not die, uh, that, uh, gave us incontrovertible scientific provable evidence that there is the survival of the personality after death. All those airmen citing all those specific facts, uh, things that had to be changed to save the lives of other people. And they did it through the most eminent and respectable psychic, uh, in all of England. And then we have Frederick Meyers who gave, uh, proof once again through the, uh, 3000 messages that he left. These were the famous, uh, cross correspondences, uh, gave us more proof that, uh, we do our, our personality does indeed, uh, survive what we call death. Then, uh, Betty White and her invisibles gave us proof that not only do we survive as a personality, but that we can also tap into the intellect of beings who have a lot more intelligence and awareness than we do, than Bob Monroe In his travels, uh, with, uh, the inspects, the intelligence species, uh, is more evidence that an individual like us can tune into the intelligence of beings with a much greater degree of intelligence than we have. Speaker 1 00:02:37 And Edgar Casey gave us thousands of pieces of evidence that a human being like us can tune into the intelligence of beings who have, again, a lot more intelligence and a lot more abilities than we have. On top of that, we have the quantum physicists who told us a lot of things or have theorized a lot of things and printed books with, uh, those theories and their beliefs, uh, in them. These quantum physicists pretty much confirm what all of these different spirits have told us about the nature of reality and the nature of realities beyond that which we experience. So if you consider all the evidence that we can get information from spirit entities who have access to a lot more knowledge than we do, it makes sense to pay a lot of, uh, attention and a lot of respect to anybody of evidence that is given to us, that is much more extensive than all of that, and also, uh, confirms a lot of it in our time. Speaker 1 00:03:42 When you look at the entity who used the name Seth and took on a friendly college professor personality, um, who dictated through, uh, through Jane Roberts for 20 years, if you look at that body of knowledge, it's very, very impressive. It's deeper. It builds on all of the others, and that is why logically after looking at the evidence, it pays to pay a lot of respect to the Seth material and to the ideas that he communicated to us in order to help us. And not only did the entity Seth help us, but he also helped a lot of people through Jane Roberts. Jane never charged anything for helping people, but through, uh, personal visits and telephone calls, she was able to help many, many people always at no charge, just the way, uh, Edgar Casey did in his way. Of course, uh, many would disagree in their free to, and that's fine. Speaker 1 00:04:41 Uh, but for those who are looking at the evidence and saying, well, what's the logical conclusion? Well, from my part, I say, this stuff looks, uh, pretty impressive and seems to be valid to me. Of course, the, uh, popularity of all the Seth books, uh, indicates that they're a lot more people, uh, than me who, uh, were equally impressed. Now, I'd like to turn to a couple of more very basic ideas. Um, and the first one is that you are an accomplished actor. Now, Shakespeare's line about all the world's stage, and we are all the actors, is more to the point than most of us suspect. Whoever and whatever you are now, you are just one of many roles that you are playing. You are in fact a big self, a spirit that is energizing many personalities focused in different timeframes, in different types of physical bodies, male and female and various races doing different things to make a living and varying social and socioeconomic circumstances sometimes quite sparked and sometimes not. Speaker 1 00:05:48 So. So, you are an eternal spirit who's choosing to experience earth life in many simultaneous incarnations. You do so for your own reasons, most likely one of them is to experience the rich emotions that you can experience here in the human time space illusion, because each personality is focused in a different camouflage reality such as ours, Seth terms us focused personalities, and I think that's an app description of what we are. Now, the really positive part about having so many focused personalities as part of yourself is that you can tune into them at any time to take advantage of the skills, strengths and experience that they've gained. So if you want to start playing the, uh, piano, for example, and there's another focus personality that's part of you and has already developed that talent, it will be easier for you to play than it might be for someone who has no piano players among his or her counterparts. Speaker 1 00:06:43 Now, um, you can learn more about this in any of the Seth books I've uh mentioned the nature of personality and, uh, Seth speaks many times. Um, but you also might define Bob Monroe. Three books, uh, journeys Out of the Body for Our Journeys, an Ultimate Journey to Be Interesting. All right, now let's turn to another basic idea, which I've titled. Uh, you Are Here For Me to Love You. Now, that sounds nice, doesn't it? But what does it mean? All of us know people we don't care for, and we're all aware of dictators and tyrants who kill and torture people. Are we supposed to love them? We certainly don't love the torture and the killing. Actually, it only makes sense if you understand that the world we know is an illusion. The human time space illusion that I've often referred to, um, the famous Abody explorer, uh, Bob Monroe is the, the one who coined that term, and he indicated as, um, Seth did that. Speaker 1 00:07:40 It's a kind of camouflage universe supported by a deeper underlying spirit reality that makes this one possible. Now, I'm certainly not here to love those tyrants at the level of their focus personality. You see, whether they know it or not, these tyrants are an integral and essential part of a big self, a spirit that has many personalities going on at the same time in different centuries, different sexes, races, cultures, social positions, levels of intelligence and emotional capabilities. As I've repeated many times, no, it only makes sense for all of us to be here for the purpose of loving one another. If we think in terms of the big self, the eternal spirit that each of us is, we all have chosen to enter into, uh, the human time space illusion in order to experience its emotions and other conditions that will be found only here. Speaker 1 00:08:32 Now, many spirits choose never to try out the earth experience, and as a result, they never have earthiness and the nature of their spirit. Kind of like the Star Trek character, Dr. Spock, who does not know what emotion is right or emotion was now part of understanding how it would be possible to feel love for the big self of tyrants and harsh dictators is to understand that none of of us perceive the same version of any object. I do not perceive the same beautiful girl on the dance floor that you do. I am perceiving only my own idea construction according to Seth, and cannot perceive yours using our physical senses. All of us are transposing our own ideas upon the atoms and the molecules that make up physical objects, including the beautiful girl. There are as many versions of her as there are people in the room. Speaker 1 00:09:28 Now, if I were to use my inner senses or change my focus so I could perceive more broadly than I do now as the people who travel out of body do, I would know that neither the tables and chairs around me nor the body of the beautiful girl are solid objects in the same way that dictator and the tyrant are not solid beyond the very narrow slice of reality that our physical senses enable us to perceive. And the seemingly solid dictator I perceive is not the same one you do. It's a stretch to imagine that this is actually the case, but it does give some hint how you could despise the actions you perceive like cutting off people's heads, but love the big self spirit who is energizing the focus personality who does the beheading. All right? As as for the title of that idea that you're here for me to love you, one of the big purposes we're here for is to learn to love one another and to learn that we all emanate energy every day to all that we experience. Speaker 1 00:10:30 It can be loving, supportive energy or something else. We're also here to learn how to use our power to create in this illusionary universe before we go on to bigger and better things. Regardless though, it should be comforting to anyone that we're already there. We're already eternal, powerful spirits as developed and perfect as will ever be. Nobody's perfect. We just don't know it because a part of us is so focused on participating in this human time space, illusion universe that we can't perceive the larger picture. And this is ex exciting to think that as we travel through our earth incarnations and as we spirits go on to other types of realities, after our earthly incarnation experiences, our awareness of this much better, much more enjoyable, larger reality continues to increase in that regard. You might remember the, uh, fosters ceremonies that I talked about in one of the earlier episodes. Speaker 1 00:11:31 Now, I'll turn to a couple of the songs that I promised to entertain you with. Uh, the first one is connected to the idea that, uh, it's great to have fun and spread joy. Now, most of my life, I haven't done enough of this. Uh, I'd like to do more. I don't know if I will. But anyway, with a big picture perspective, you know that you can't give anything meaningful to people if you aren't bringing some joy into this world. Ideally, we're meant to enjoy this experience on earth. So if you help others a lot and you do it with a somber mean, you're missing a chance to leverage your good works by also multiplying joyful, loving energy at the same time. Now, the entity, Seth made that point in one of his books in the same paragraph where he noted that true spirituality is more likely to to be found in a bar than in many churches. Speaker 1 00:12:19 So, um, years ago, Jane, uh, Roberts and Rob Butts gave me permission to, uh, take some of, uh, Seth's input and some of his words and, uh, put them to music. And, uh, so one of them, uh, one of the songs that I did was called Spirituality. Now you might know those first six note, six notes that, uh, introduce all of the episodes. And those six notes just came to me as the opening for the song Spirituality, which is composed almost entirely of CED words, which I simply in my head put to a tune, <laugh>. Uh, so here it is, spirit duality is a thing of joy, is a thing of the earth. It has nothing to do with worth or pompous dignity. Speaker 1 00:13:16 Spirituality has nothing at all to do with long words or long faces, and it will be he found in the most unexpected praises. It is the dance of consciousness within you, that sense of adventure in your heart. It rings and it sings throughout the universe a sense of joy that brings us creativity. And it's easy to see in your personality. Spirituality is a love of life that you can live as you please and become what you will with ease and with integrity. For spirituality comes in many colors and many lifestyles. You'll meet it today in a Thousand Smiles. Well, if you've endured that, I'll ask you to endure just one more song. You know, uh, one of the points that, uh, Seth made and he, he also made it in letters to people and he encouraged, uh, Jane to put it in the book so that a lot of people could, uh, benefit by the thought. Speaker 1 00:14:43 But you know, he pointed out we're all traveling through taking a variety of roads. And this road may be a comfortable one for you and me, but another human may not find it to his or her liking. So when I sojourned through the human time, space and other realities is complete, we need to realize we're all going to end up in the same place with a lot of experiences to share. In fact, we're already there. Um, so here's another song with words for the chorus inspired by Seth that reminds us we're all just travelers. I'm only going to, uh, read the long intro and I'll sing only the chorus. All right, well, here's the long intro that I kind of made up myself. I was driving on a highway I knew pretty well when I came upon a roadside stand I hadn't noticed before. I stopped to take a look around and meet the fellow who ran the place. Speaker 1 00:15:35 I could see a kindly look in his eye, a peaceful look. Sure, but something more. I searched for the few things I wanted, took him off the shelf. I turned and then he spoke to me. You could see he was sure of himself. I speak to you from the other side, he said, and I speak and live and work with pride, though by your account. I'm long since dead. Listen, careful now to what I say. Cause it could change your life in a very big way. You're a traveler. It's easy to see. I'd like you to think that that way of me. In fact, as you look at any man, woman, or child, try to think of them though the idea seems wild as a part of God, a soul of you like that is broken away and is on a long hike. You'll be surprised at the beauty you'll find. Speaker 1 00:16:20 You can pay your respects most, any way that suits you. A smile, a word, a song one comes to mind, it begins. Traveler, I salute you. Alright? That's the end of my words. And here's the chorus, which is, uh, basically composed of Seth Seth's words as one traveler to another. I salute you. We are all travelers. Whatever our position. So as one traveler to another, I salute you. We were meant to keep on changing, seeking new and better ways, different kinds of days than we know. So as one traveler to another, I salute you. Life and death are but two faces of our eternal lever changing existence. You and I have lived before and will again, and our new life is growing in the old as behold. The seed is already in the flower. We are all travelers. Whatever our position. So as one traveler to another, I salute you. Okay? I won't punish you anymore. Um, that's the end of that, uh, song. But, uh, as one traveler to another, I salute you. And, um, that, uh, concludes our session for today, and in our next session, we'll go get onto, uh, some other ideas. Again, I'm Dan McIn, bringing you lessons from the helpful Dead.

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