Latest Episodes
We Are All Thought Forms & Preparing for 2075
While it seeems to go against common sense, the idea that we are all "just" thought forms when we know we have a physical...
What Happens After We Die, Karma, and Focus 27
In this episode we review what happens after we die, the fact that there is no Karma that forces us to suffer for past...
Lift Your Spirits, No Hope for the Lazy, and Evolution as Religion
Reviewing some basic ideas discussed in earlier episodes but with a different perspective, three are discussed here. One is how and why you should...
After 2075, What Might Disappear?
Once all or most of us understand that we co-create the reality we experience, that we can travel with our consciousness anywhere we please,...
When We Can Co-create Reality and Travel in Time, What Happens?
After 2075 many of us will know we co-create the reality we experience, and we'll know we can travel with our consciousness in time...
Introducing The 2075 Movement
The entity Seth made only one prediction over 20 years of speaking through Jane Roberts, explaining that was due to probabilities. But one probability...