Earlier Civilizations, Dream Realities & Connections Between Realities

April 03, 2023 00:18:16
Earlier Civilizations, Dream Realities & Connections Between Realities
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
Earlier Civilizations, Dream Realities & Connections Between Realities

Apr 03 2023 | 00:18:16


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

There have been other great scientific civilizations on earth that have vanished. Some could now be thought of as "earth gods" who care about our well being. Some used sound for healing, for wars, and for moving object of great size and weight. In dreams we try out various probabilities to help us decide which one we want to bring into our waking awareness. The dream reality is real, and some personalities we have been close to for a long time in the dream reality might be strangers to us in waking reality. The connections among us, our probable selves, past and future selves, incarnational selves, and entities in other realities we aren't even aware of, are complex ... and we affect one another. Your slightest thought can give birth to a flower in another reality, and the thought unspoken has a sound we do not hear.

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Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons From The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems. And you are much more than you think you are. Here. You'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McInerney. We've been on the subject of us as tourists, spirits that travel through the universe, sampling of different experiences and different realities. Now, before I get to, uh, today's session as an aside, I wanna mention, uh, two songs, two recordings, that if you listen to them, it makes it easier to just imagine yourself kind of gliding or flying through the universe. And one of those is from an album, um, Byard, k I guess K O C H, uh, and, uh, number 13 song on his album, walking Through Clouds is called, I think, the greatest song, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:01:19 And it just, um, makes it very easy to imagine yourself, uh, gliding along the other song. Years ago, uh, with the early eighties, actually a fellow named Ricky King on the guitar, uh, he had the song Verde, v e r d e Verde, which you can look up online, um, either of those two songs that help you just kind of imagine yourself, uh, gliding peacefully, uh, through, through a universe. So anyway, um, just, uh, thought I'd throw that in. Now I wanna get to, uh, today's material. And as you know, the experiences of, uh, Bob Monroe and Edgar Casey, uh, tend to support the notion of us as tourists. Uh, also the many explanations that Seth provided about various things, uh, help out here. And today I'm going to talk about, uh, Seth as he spoke about earlier civilizations and the connection between realities and perhaps some other subjects if we have time. Speaker 1 00:02:24 Now, as far as earlier civilizations go, Seth indicated there have been other great scientific civilizations on Earth that have vanished. Some went beyond our point of physical development and others destroyed their civilization. Some left our planet for other points in the physical universe, but they were, by that time, spiritually and psychically mature and could use energies that weren't, we are not even aware of. Now, earth to them is the legendary home. They formed new races that couldn't exist in our atmosphere. Some mutated, they've long since left the reincarnation cycles. They discarded material form, and they evolved into the mental spiritual entities. They always were. They take a great interest in Earth, and Seth suggested they might be thought of as earth. Gods concerned with our wellbeing. They were involved in three civilizations before Atlantis. Now in some of them, sound was used for healing and in wars, and to move weight and mass. Speaker 1 00:03:38 And for those of you who don't know, both the United States and its enemies have developed, uh, sound weapons, certain types of sounds, especially those with long, slow waves can go through you and some can kill you pretty quickly. Sound was also one of the methods used by earlier civilizations to create those huge stone structures that we see now. And science really can't explain how they were developed. Sound was used in healing and in wars, and also to move weight and mass. Ah, something like the pyramids. The polls were reversed in some of them. The climate and land areas were different now. One of them, which he termed Lu Romania, experimented with a built-in safeguard against aggression and violence. Now, this caused complications because energy must be allowed to flow freely and cannot be bottled up that way. Free will cannot be dispensed with. They were a thin and weekly people, either psychically brilliant or completely ungifted. Speaker 1 00:04:53 They formed energy fields around their civilization, but overall, their attempt to automatically block aggression was a failure. It's an interesting failure in that this civilization intellectually superior to us and advanced to the point where they could pitch thoughts, great distances, and use sound to move. Physical matter could not by thought, alone, control or even influence the thinking of earth's other inhabitants. Hmm, sound familiar to today? The Lu Romanians left their underground cities and they joined groups of relatively uncivilized people on the earth at that time, mating with them. They died quickly because they couldn't react to violence. Their God was a strong male to protect them, which evolved into Jehovah. Now, as I mentioned a moment ago, they lived in underground cities and caves were the doorways to these cities. In the stone age, cavemen found shelter in the Lu. Romanians mechanically created caves. And in some of the cities in which the Lu Romanians had lived, the tools the cavemen created were crude versions of what they found in these cities. Speaker 1 00:06:20 Now, Le Romanians had abilities we know nothing of, including the ability to pitch a thought along certain frequencies and then translate it at any given distance into a form, color, or image as they pleased. A line was not just visual, it represented certain sounds. The entire history of an animal, for example, could be given in the picture of that animal, the tongue, the tunnels they created were also formed using sound. Their sounds also produced brilliant images. They often close their eyes and conveyed inner images in order to communicate. Somewhat similar to the way that animal communicators today communicate with animals by way of images. Now, Seth says, the lu Romanians are part of our psychic heritage, and that bleed throughs occur in our psychic atmosphere between us and them, not just by chance. Now let's turn to another subject, dream communications and the connections between realities. Speaker 1 00:07:31 It's while we're dreaming that Seth says, we come closest to experiencing what after death. Reality will be like. He contends the dream state is real, not imaginary. And that when we dream, we are flying. Very often we are, there's no lag time between an idea and it's construction In the dream reality, in sleep, we apparently remember everyone we ever met in our dreams. Though we might not remember them when we awake, awaken <laugh>. Some close associates of ours through the years in the dream state, would be strangers to us in our waking life. That's interesting, isn't it? Close associates in the dream state, but they'd be strangers to us and our waking life. In dreams, we learned how to create our daily experience in the physical world. A dream exists in more than one reality. The living and the dead in our terms, may both participate. That is why inspirations and revelations result so often. Shortly after we experience the dream condition, uh, you might remember that, uh, Betty White's invisibles discuss this. In our sleep, we often try out different probabilities and choose which ones we want to materialize in our daily waking life. Speaker 1 00:08:50 Now, there are several stages of sleep. And in the deeply protected area, we are at the threshold of other layers of reality and probabilities. Our experiences will be out of context to time. We might experience years even though only minutes might have passed. Now here we're dealing with pure feeling and pure knowing, disconnected from words or images. We then return toward the physical In the period scientists call the rim rapid eye movement. It's here that physically oriented dream productions are created. So what we remember generally are the, uh, the symbols we create here in that stage, the cycle might then be repeated. So there are cycles, but we're not aware of them. Now it's interesting. Before falling asleep, we can suggest to ourselves that problems will be solved for us in the dream state. We can also direct the healing of our body or suggest dreams that will help us reach our goals or that might bring about reconciliations. Speaker 1 00:10:01 I try, uh, uh, I strongly recommend that, that you try this, uh, as I did, right? It's just one example. Some years back I suggested that I experienced something that would give me a lot of exercise since I wasn't active enough in my daily life. Well, I got more than I bargained for <laugh> as I stood on the bow of a ship trying to maintain my balance and not fall overboard in the midst of a violent ocean storm. Now, the, the production of dreams is every bit as sophisticated as the production of the daily physical lives that we're living, that we're aware of. And there are many, many more communications between our waking and sleeping cells than we're aware of. So again, I try, I I suggest you try, um, experimenting with suggesting before you go to sleep, suggesting what kind of dreams you'd wanna have and what you want to achieve. Speaker 1 00:10:59 Now, the symbols in our dreams, as all symbols do stand for inner realities. When we juggle these symbols, we are juggling interior realities. The objects and symbols on the dream universe are as faithful representations of dream life as physical objects are of waking life. Now, in dream consciousness, though a dog might turn into a rose, they are expressions of feelings and experiences that are not limited to the rigid framework of objects stuck into the consecutive moments that we have in our waking life. They are instead transformed and expressed in a new mobile immediate manner. So changing dream symbols can represent changing feelings. The more precise a symbol is, the less meaning it can contain. That's interesting. The more precise a symbol is, the less meaning it can contain. Now each of us has our own personal bank of symbols to draw on and sound itself is a symbol. Speaker 1 00:12:05 Wow. Sound itself is a symbol. Seth explains that. We understand the sound grows louder from a given point of silence, but we do not understand that from a given point. We do not perceive sounds also begin that grow deeper into silence, but still have meaning and variety as symbols. Uh, the thought unspoken he tells us has a sound. We do not hear The thought unspoken has a sound we do not hear, but it is audible at another level of reality and perception. This will surprise you. Trees as they stand apparently are a sound that we do do not perceive. Excuse me. So there is a clear connection then between dream and waking realities and ongoing communication between them. But that's not the limit of communication among realities we've already seen. There is communication among our past, present, and future selves and with our many probable selves, and that our slightest thought can give birth to a flower in another reality. Speaker 1 00:13:22 I like that <laugh>, our slightest thought can give birth to a flower in another reality. So ha have a lot of beautiful thoughts and you'll be giving birth to a lot of flower somewhere. Now, others are aware at some level of what we are thinking and feeling. That's strange, but that's it. Others are aware at some level of what we're thinking and feeling, each of us can create a thought form that appears in the room of a friend or in a reality we aren't even aware of. Now, the major coordinate points, uh, as was talked about in previous sessions, which, uh, Seth explained they are especially powerful passageways for energy and communication among all realities, right? So the closer you are to a major coordinate points, uh, those are specially powerful passageways. But there are kind of secondary, uh, strong coordinate points too. Uh, in any room there will be some coordinate points that are stronger than others. Now, ancient Rome, Atlantis, and ancient Egypt exist right now. Speaker 1 00:14:35 Actions we take now can help a past personality, just as a future personality of ours might step in and help us along the way with maybe impulses solutions, positive emotions and inspirations. Now, our actions can also help them, uh, as my writing of the 2075 movement might help what I called future Dan, for whom it was written. The vital consciousness of any personality can be theoretically contacted by personalities from any time, any place, or any probable system. Right? The vital consciousness of any personality theoretically can be contacted by personalities from any time, place or probable system. Speaker 1 00:15:31 <laugh> Seth says, messages are flashed through the centuries from one great man or woman to another. So that Leonardo deci, for example, lieu of Picasso, he also said that many of lowly stature also share in such communication so that there is an unending conversation going out throughout the universe and the most meaningful one, as noted previously in previous discussions and by, uh, some of the other entities I've cited, um, in previous episodes, these, uh, are often manifested as inspiration. The conversations going on throughout the universe are they manifest themselves as inspiration in many different fields, whether it's science or music or philosophy or energy or something else. Now, there are also deep connections between each of us and those personalities with whom we have had significant relationships or who have been involved in deep decisions that we've made. Now, Seth describe what he called pro <laugh>. Profound psychological interconnections, profound psychological interconnections that bind us each to each in a telepathic framework. Now, we've also seen, we're all in the center of a vast cosmic web of pros probabilities that I've discussed in the past, right? We're all in the center of, of a vast cosmic web of probabilities that's affected by our slightest mental or emotional act. And when we are, and also when we are the receiver of signals coming from others. So our slightest mental or emotional act, we're receiving strong signals from others. Speaker 1 00:17:38 This affects the probability that we experience. It's in the dream state that we glimpse some of the probable directions we might have taken. So it's helpful to keep in mind that no system of reality is closed. The thoughts and emotions of inhabitants in one reality affect and are affected by many other realities, and there's no reason to assume that that's limited just to reincarnation realities. Alright, I'll stop there for today. And once again, I'm Dan McIn bringing you lessons from the Helpful Dead.

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