Our Experience Between Lives & Who or What is God

March 31, 2023 00:21:04
Our Experience Between Lives & Who or What is God
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
Our Experience Between Lives & Who or What is God

Mar 31 2023 | 00:21:04


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

Our experience of death is as individualized as our lives are. What we initially experience depends largely on our beliefs. For those stuck in believing there is nothing after death, they will experience that until a guide comes along and helps them understand that what they experience is of their own makng. There are many options for us to choose among as we advance in our understanding. These include how we will incarnate in our next experience. As to the nature of God, Seth explains God is an idea, which sounds strange only because we have no understanding of the great power of ideas, and no notion of the universe in which ideas exist. One definition: God is the simultaneous, infinite explosion of all that is. God's reality pervades all appearance, so physical reality is real. God is always changing, knowing itself through the continuing creations of all it has created.

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Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems, and you are much more than you think you are. Here you'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McEnany. We've been discussing the notion of the souls, which is what we are, uh, as tourists traveling through the universe, experiencing and sampling some of the many universes that are out there, supporting that notion are the experiences of, uh, Bob Monroe and Casey, and also the explanations of the entity Seth on a number of different subjects. And today we'll talk about the explanations that Seth provided, uh, regarding, uh, our existence between lives. Speaker 1 00:01:11 And if we have enough time, we'll also get into, uh, the discussion of the nature of God. Once again, some of this material will be, uh, repetitive to things I've discussed, uh, recently, but I'm repeating them here because they are relevant now. Dozens of people living in the 21st century have written what I consider excellent books that give us a lot of information about what goes on between lives. Uh, I found very informative two books by Michael Newton, who redressed people to past lives. And in between existences, he summarized their experiences in the destiny of souls and the journey of souls. Another book Your Souls Plan by Robert Schwartz also provided excellent insights. Brian Weiss probably was the le leading author in that field for a long time. He's written several informative books and I recommend reading them if you have time. But in our discussion here today, I will focus only on input from the entity Seth. Speaker 1 00:02:16 According to Seth, our original experience, initial experience when we die, is not the same for everyone any more than our physical lives are those who believe that death is the end of it all and that we perceive and experience nothing will experience temporary oblivion according to their beliefs. They are disoriented until a guide arrives to help them move along past this obstacle of their own creation. Now, they don't realize that their thoughts and emotions are so powerful that they are creating the illusion of nothingness. Others in the past might have expected the, uh, rivers sticks as a crossover point, and so they experienced it. Gods will put on a play and an act of drama that meets the person's expectations. They do that as a first step in helping the newly dead person to get adjusted to their new reality. Now, religions, regardless of their contact content, rather serve a positive purpose because they at least set up a person's expectation for some kind of existence after death. Speaker 1 00:03:32 So this helps a lot in those initial after death experiences. Once we regain our balance, so to speak, we examine the life we just left, and we become aware of other existences and other lives, and we start making plans for the next life. If that's the option we decide upon, you're still in some sort of body, but as you progress through stages, you can take on any form you choose. That's why dead relatives will often appear to the living in their dreams in a form similar to their peak physical form. Houses and dwellings are not needed as you'd expect, but many will create them for quite a while until they're not necessary. The, uh, communica communications of Oliver that I've discussed in a a previous episodes give you, uh, detailed insights here, uh, as to which symbols he kept and for how long symbols or illusions of such things as clothing, houses, streets, and villages, what you eat and so forth. Speaker 1 00:04:40 From his perspective, Seth said it was always a lesson between lives to trace the thoughts and events that led to a given demise. He was often given to the love of weight, but twice died of starvation. There was a great sense of humility for him, but also a great sense of exaltation as the inner self between lives, senses its freedom when death occurs. Now, some who believe in heaven will reject the idea of further work that's understandable, but the very existence of consciousness demands continuing challenge and development. And eventually they learn that they learn there's no such simple end to life as heaven, but rather there is instead freedom to understand the extent of your own reality and to develop your abilities further, to feel more deeply the nature of your own existence as part of all that is now, those who believe in some version of hell come more quickly to their senses with the aid of guides. Speaker 1 00:05:45 According to Seth, there are no special places or situations or conditions in the afterlife in which a person must have experience and that includes hell. Contrary to the belief of some suicides have no particular punishment needed out to them. That's something I've noted previously. And for any reader who wants a firsthand account of what a suicide is likely to experience over a few of our earth years in time, uh, you might go back to the episode, uh, by Joe Gallenberger about his brother Pete, who was a suicide. Now we're as individualized in death as we are in life. That's important. We're as individualized in death as we are in life. Some will isolate various characteristics between lives and work on them exclusively preparing for emotional development. For example, after a series of lives where they concentrated on intellectual development, some will choose a more balanced, easier progression. Speaker 1 00:06:52 It's unusual to wait more than three centuries between incarnations and the abundant evidence of others indicates many of us wait only a much shorter time, some incarnate before they're advised to by guides. Indeed, in India, the cases studied by Ian Stevenson suggest some reincarnate almost right away, less than a year. Ideally, relationships for the next life need to be settled on and intended roles worked out so that longer in between periods are advised. Now, some personalities are loners who reincarnate without any great feeling for earth's historical periods. Others like to return with contemporaries time and again, and some specialize in physical existence and they're very good at it. Some choose extraordinary talents along specific lines as opposed to trying many different trades or occupations or interest. They might, for example, be musicians, priests, or teachers almost exclusively. Some take a sabbatical between lives and experience a side trip outside of reincarnation entirely. Speaker 1 00:08:04 Those who understand while living in the body that reality is self-created will have the least trouble adjusting according to se, to Seth adjusting and moving ahead. Uh, those who have a strong belief in opposites, good versus evil, God versus devil, angels versus demons so forth, they will have more difficulty because these are all distortions he said, and impediments to relatively easy swift progress. All right, I think we have time to, uh, switch to Seth's explanations of, uh, God, just who, what is God? Now, Seth has many ways of explaining this, starting with the observation that the old concepts of God are relatively meaningless, something that is becoming more apparent to many of us in the 21st century. He says, we would not understand if, if he said God is an idea, because we do not understand the dimensions in which an idea has its reality or the energy it can originate and propel. Speaker 1 00:09:06 He tells us God is a creator of an infinite variety of probable existences that reality pervades all appearance. So to say that physical life is not real is to deny that God does not exist apart from physical reality, but within it as God exists within all systems of existence, God is within each man and woman, but also within each frog spider shadow. And that's something we don't like to admit. Sometimes God can only be experienced. Seth maintains through our own existence, God holds an idea shape of itself as human and is responsible for the energy that gives vitality to our private multidimensional selves, which in turn form our physical images in accordance with our own ideas. So God is God and God is human. Our eternal soul, each of us is maintained by the inconceivable energy and vitality of God. So we cannot be destroyed and we must create as we are created. Speaker 1 00:10:13 One description Seth gave is that God is a simultaneous, infinite explosion of all that is and usually referred to God as all that is. Now, the attributes of all that is will appear in any system of reality, in accordance with that system's. Camouflage data and in inner experience of God can come in two ways. One is realizing that the prime moving force is within everything you can perceive with your senses. The other is to realize the primary motive force has a reality independent of its connection with the world of form and appearances, there are probable gods, each one reflecting the multi-dimensional aspects of a prime identity. So great that no one reality form or kind of existence could contain it. Now we create probable gods through our own thoughts and our own desires. All that is can only be sensed as described through the inner census and just a bit through inspiration and intuition. Speaker 1 00:11:23 It is not done and finished. It's simultaneously and unendingly creates itself only in our human time space. Illusion is that statement, a contradiction. It follows that as Seth explained, there cannot be a finished God. Perfection presupposes a point beyond which development is impossible and creativity is at an end. There would be no further freedom of creativity. Instead, all that is is inexhaustible alive within the least of itself. Endowing, endowing its creations with its own abilities that act as inspirations, as em impetus, uh, guiding lines and principles by which these parts of God, including us, then seek to create further, create themselves their own worlds and systems. And in our case, we are currently forming our reality by using these gifts given to us by God, how good a job we're doing. That's, that's another question. Uh, now there was, uh, an interesting book review years ago titled, uh, how Yahweh became God. Speaker 1 00:12:45 Uh, the, it was a review of the book, the Invention of God by Thomas Rome. He was a Harvard scholar, so Rome explained it and the Sinai Desert at the end of the 13th century BC Israel's edomite neighbors worshiped Yahweh is a god of wars and storms. He was brought to cannan by a group of nomadic worshipers. And in the early years, he was just another tutelary deity, a tribal prote protector and a patron who would intervene in military battles and bring rain to fertilize the crops. So gradually he became associated almost exclusively with Jerusalem. And when an assy seize of the city was suddenly and mysteriously aborted in 7 0 1 bc, Yahweh supporters were convinced he had brought a great miracle. Then by 5 86 BC when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, instead of abandoning Yahweh, the Jews instead claimed Yahweh had used the Babylonians to punish his unfaithful people. Speaker 1 00:13:45 And this implied Yahweh could also control the Babylonians and must therefore be more powerful than the gods of Babylon. Rome suggests that this was a prelude to the monotheistic idea, which led to our idea of one all powerful God. You may remember I shared that explanation in a, uh, recent, uh, episode. Now Seth starts a bit further back. When explaining how we developed our idea of God, there was a time when man felt a part of nature. He says, not separated from it, men communicated to the spirits of the birds, the trees, the spiders, and all of nature aware of the inner reality that was has already been described. Right. Death was not feared since man understood the cycle of consciousness and the fact that his spirit did not die, but men developed a desire to step outside of himself. He wanted to study and reflect upon his own consciousness. Speaker 1 00:14:46 Now, this offered a new creativity. A flower or a frog for exam example could not reflect upon its existence of yesterday, but man now could. However, this also meant a giant separation from the inner spontaneity that had given mankind peace and security. Previously man's environment was effortless, effortlessly created and perceived by man and other living things, all knowing the nature of their inner reality. But for this major new venture into a new property of consciousness that is reflecting upon itself, it was necessary to pretend the inner unity did not exist. So man's perception of the exterior universe was changed. The exterior universe now seemed to be alien. And apart from the individual who perceived it consistent with that God became an idea projected outward independent of the individual and divorced from nature for men, God then became the reflection of man's emerging ego as Seth explains it to be effectively organized, inner and outer experience had to appear as separate disconnected events. Speaker 1 00:16:04 The original propulsion of inner characteristics outward into the formation of the ego was so powerful. Seth said it could be compared to the birth of enumerable stars. The ego, however, was in a strange new position having its birth from within. It had to always maintain its independence while still maintaining the nagging certainty of its inner origin. Understandably, the ego feared for its position frightened that it would, uh, dissolve back into the inner self. But its new status provided a new kind of feedback. It could glimpse possibilities of development that it had not previously been aware of. And by the time of Christ, the ego was sure enough of its position that the picture of God could begin to change. The qualities of mercy and understanding could now surface. The concept of God began to change as the ego recognized its reliance on inner reality. Seth questions to be careful of the gods you choose for you will reinforce each other. Speaker 1 00:17:08 Ancient tales of gods and demons. Guarding gates are highly distorted, inner A reality cannot be expressed that way. We need to be careful of the beliefs we accept. There are no demons and devils except those that we create out of our beliefs. Now, there is no need to create a separate God who exists outside of our universe and separate from it, just as there is no need to think of our souls as some distant entity God. All that is, is intimately a part of each of us. God's energy forms our identity and our soul is a part of us in the same manner. All that is is a part of all creation, but more than what creation is. It contains myriad gestalts of being impossible to describe, whose awareness includes knowledge and experience of a vast number of other realities. Realities, for example, that might include the life and death of our planet in a moment of their time. Speaker 1 00:18:11 Seth noted that his larger soul or big self as I would call it, whom Seth arranged to have speak through Jane at one point, as Seth two has its existence at the outer fringes of one such gala, galaxy of consciousness. So the entity that Seth is a part of has its existence at the outer fringes of one such galaxy of consciousness. Now, we will not dissolve into all that is as some religions imply. The aspects of our personalities as we understand them will be retained. All that is is the creator of individuality, the creator of it, not the means of its destruction. All personalities are living and vital and all go their own way. Our future personalities are as real as our past ones and outside of our narrow reincarnation framework, there is no death as we think of it, since all lives are simultaneous, any separation is just a psychological one. Speaker 1 00:19:17 Now, we at this time, we've been trying to squeeze the notion of the soul and God into our tight concepts, trying to make them fit with our limiting beliefs, right? We are not separated from the animals and the rest of existence by virtue of possessing an eternal inner consciousness, which they do not such. Consciousness is present within all living things and in all forms, and all of us are within God, and that's an eternal inner consciousness which we have. But so do the animals, all living beings and all forms. So when you think of it logically, nothing can exist outside of God, right? It's also important to understand that God continues to know itself partly through our creations. And to remember that God must always be changing and will never reach a stage of so-called perfection. Just as our soul knows itself further and adds to the nature and quality of its existence by virtue of our three-dimensional existence, opening up avenues of reality that would not exist otherwise. So God knows itself through the continuing infinite creations and experiences of the souls that it has created. Alright, that, that concludes our discussion, uh, for today. And in the next session we'll talk, uh, about Seth's, ideas about earlier civilizations. There's description of some of them and the connection between all the various realities. Once again, I'm Dan McEnany, bringing you lessons from the helpful dead.

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