Evidence of Survival is Plentiful #2

December 18, 2022 00:10:05
Evidence of Survival is Plentiful #2
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
Evidence of Survival is Plentiful #2

Dec 18 2022 | 00:10:05


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

In Martin Ebon's 1977 book, "The Evidence of Life After Death," there are many examples of dead people communicating through respected psychics. The "evidential" information they shared, giving deatils that could be known only to them, provided convincing evidence that they were who they said they were. Here are just s couple of examples.

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Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons From The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems, and you are much more than you think you are. Here you'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McEnany. Today we will talk about two more people described in Martin Eons book, the Evidence of Life After Death. The first one is, uh, Ms. Susie Smith. Now, she described herself as a cynical, agnostic newspaper columnist in Salt Lake City in 1955 when she first became aware of psychic psychic phenomena. Now, decades later, she would found the Survival Research Foundation in Tucson, Arizona, for which Yvonne served as chairman for some time. Speaker 1 00:01:09 Now, her transmission from skeptic to believer came about as a result of her own experiences as a psychic like so many others. She published a book, life is Forever, which contains an impressive collection of evidence given in seances and from out of body experiences. She authored the book of James, which she felt had come to her from the Discarnate spirit of William James, a pioneer of psychical research. Interestingly, she points out that Emmanuel Manual Swen Board, whom we'll discuss in a future podcast is also thought to have gotten material from James. And years later, Jane Roberts, whom will also discuss in the future, tapped into what she called the After Death Journal of William James. Now, in her book, confessions of a Psychic Susie Smith relates many unpleasant and dangerous experiences that she had with bad spirits, and she advises against psychic dabbling. Though that problem seems to have subsequent, subsequently, uh, been solved, uh, by many neophytes through the use of positive affirmations. Speaker 1 00:02:22 Now, what is most significant about Susie Smith for our purposes though, is her straightforward method of dealing with the question of proof of survival after death. She acknowledges the difficulty of ever proving survival via science, but points out that the rational materialistic scientists is fearful of making a fool of himself if when he dies, there's nothing there. How silly that is. She says, because if nothing is there, he won't know it anyhow. Why not have Rosie expectations? She asks and be joyfully surprised when they come true. If you knew that someday, she said, in the not too distant future, you were going to go someplace for the rest of your life, wouldn't you want to learn as much as possible about it? And wouldn't you want to prepare in every way possible so you could enjoy your stay? The more we know about death, she says, the more we'll be aware of how to live now in order that we'll be all the more successful on the other side, on the subject of negative events in life. Speaker 1 00:03:28 Those speaking through her, she says, um, point out that anything we can learn in physical life will not have to be undergone at some future date. The seemingly unfortunate things that occur here and now are really opportunities so that what happens to us does not count as much as what we learn from the experience. The more character we have when we die, she maintains the better our experience when we find ourselves still living after death. Well, shades of Betty White there. Now that's a helpful perspective for dealing with troubles so long as you, you remember that it's not the only way to make progress or develop character. A life lived amidst abundance and joy can also be a source of growth. So suffering is not necessary. Now, all told Susie Smith, uh, authored 30 bucks in the the afterlife codes written at age 88. She, she reviewed her life and some of the inputs she received from her mother and from William James, which supports the general understanding of life after death that we're talking about here. Speaker 1 00:04:45 She also introduces us to the afterlife codes, A system she's set up for proving scientifically that the personality survives death. She and others are leaving a secret message, also called a key phrase, sealed in an envelope and put in a safe deposit vault. After they die, they will attempt to send the message back through a medium or psychic. Now, the idea is if a key phrase is revealed, it's a very good indication of the survival of the spirit. They've got the system computerized, and large numbers of people have registered their secret messages. Now, I'm, I'm personally pleased that she did this. It can only help however, I have a different intent. I urge all of us for whom life after death is logical and apparent to ignore the skeptics because it is a waste of time. They will likely never be convinced they have too much invested in not believing better to focus our energies instead on using the accumulated wisdom from the other side as a basis for daily living and in, in the process enjoy the fantastic benefits that are sure to come our way. Speaker 1 00:06:02 Now the second person we'll talk about is Douglas Johnson. He served in the Royal Air Force during World War II and afterward became one of the world's best known mediums working with researchers in England and the United States. Yvonne described him as aite and soft spoken and considered him particularly significant because never was there the slightest suggestion of possible fraud associated with his name. He's also noteworthy because he was not only a channel for entities from the other side, but he also saw and heard them when he was not in trance. One particular example shared by Ivonne is noteworthy. Apparently Johnson was sitting in the London bar with a friend drinking Sherry and talking quietly when he noticed, uh, noticed a West Indian man standing at the bar and next to him there was an older woman wearing the native dress of a typical West Indian village. Speaker 1 00:07:03 Now, there were several hundred thousand West Indians in England at the time, but nearly all of them wore European clothes. Johnson was puzzled and remarked to his friend. There was, it was strange to see a woman in native dress. The friend turned to look at the bar and replied in an equally puzzled manner that he did not see the woman, only a West Indian gentleman in a sport jacket. Uh, knowing something of Johnson's unusual talents, though, he suggested that he go talk to the woman. As Johnson approached the bar, the woman disappeared trying to get his bearings. He invited the West Indian gentleman to take his drink and join them at their table. Well, the man looked surprised, but he agreed, and as soon as he sat down, the woman reappeared. Now her voice went directly into Johnson's mind as he tells it, saying, this is my son. Speaker 1 00:08:02 He's going to do something foolish tonight. Stop him knowing the man might think him crazy. Johnson nevertheless addressed him directly and said, your mother just told me you're going to do something very foolish tonight and you're not to do it now. The the man was shocked and immediately replied that it could not be his mother because she was dead. Johnson replied by following the instruction of the woman's voice who told Johnson tell him that I was blind from birth and that I can see again in the spirit world. Well, this, this convinced the young man he was quite shaken and he said, this must be mother. Tell her I won't do it. The three men became quite friendly, and eventually the man told Johnson that he had planned to act as lookout that night for a bank robbery. About a week later, he reported to Johnson that everyone who had participated in the robbery had been caught. Speaker 1 00:09:03 Now, Johnson quoted in Psychic Magazine in 1971 stated he regarded the incident as a direct intervention from the next world, from a woman who loved her son and wanted to protect him from harm. Uh, again, skeptical science of course, uh, would maintain that. Johnson telepathically picked up the sun subconscious worry of the son, conflict with the str strict upbringing of his mother's discipline, the visual image of the man's memory of his mother, and the fact that she'd been born blind. Well, you may choose to believe any explanation you wish, but between the two Johnson's seems more logical and straightforward to me. Now, in our next session, we'll look at, uh, two more psychic personalities, uh, mentioned in Yvonne's book, and one of them is the Great Houdini. Once again, I'm Dan McEnany bringing you lessons from the helpful Dead.

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