How God is Like Fireworks & the Electric Grid -- and Why It Matters

July 10, 2023 00:17:18
How God is Like Fireworks & the Electric Grid -- and Why It Matters
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
How God is Like Fireworks & the Electric Grid -- and Why It Matters

Jul 10 2023 | 00:17:18


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

As a primary energy gestalt of unimaginable power and creativity, God did not create just one planet or one universe when it freed all creation and allowed it to manifest with free will. Like the fireworks that continually explode to reveal still more fireworks in succeeding explosions, and like the electric grid where all parts are connected but we can still have a power outage in a small or a large part of it, God created many universes and many realities, some with material form and some with no form. It is important for us to begin to understand this because when we confine our beliefs to the earth being the center of creation, and God sending down His only Son to save us from ourselves, with some of us being saved and others condemned to eternal punishment, we profess a version of God and reality that makes little sense to many people today. The problem? They have no other belief system to turn to, so they become atheists and lose the positive values that Christianity and some other religions have provided. For many they welcome a reality where the State replaces God, and we have seen where that leads today in China and Russia. Understanding the true power and scope of God enables us to understand our own power to create what we experience and advance to becoming the eternal, powerful spirits we really are.

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Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems. And you are much more than you think you are. Here. You'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McEnany. Today we're going to talk about how God is like some fireworks and also like the electric grid and why that matters. We've recently had the 4th of July fireworks displays and, uh, strangely enough, and almost the same time, I think on July 4th, we had a local, uh, power outage for two hours or so. Uh, because the electric grid transformers had some difficulties. It only affected about, uh, 75 homes or so, and it did, as I say, only take them two hours to fix it. Speaker 1 00:01:20 At any rate, how is God like fireworks and how is God like the electric grid? Do you remember those fireworks that shoot up really high? And then there's an explosion and a dozen or so separate balls of fire, uh, come into view, and then there's a slight delay, and then suddenly boom, each of those balls of fire has another dozen balls of fire a little bit beneath them. And then once again, each of those has another, uh, ball of fire. So you see, uh, subsequently more and more, uh, of these beautiful fireworks. Likewise, when you speak about the electrical grid, we have this big grid in our country and we have a number of them, a few major ones, and they control really all of our electric power in the country. But we very seldom have the whole country going without power. We have parts here, parts there, and in our recent case, we only had about 75 homes that were affected by the fuses and the transformers. Speaker 1 00:02:35 Nevertheless, we do know that that electric grid near us, that affects those 75, uh, homes, uh, that is connected to a larger and larger and larger, uh, grill grid still, until ultimately, as we've seen in some situations, uh, entire cities or entire regions of the country go dark when there is a power outage. In other words, they are all connected. And I've also learned personally that the grid is unnecessarily exposed because certain vandals could, without too much effort, if they knew the right transformers to attack, they could put a lot of us out of, uh, power. So how is God like the fireworks and the grid? If you remember, we've recently discussed the God concept and how God is a Spirit, God can also be defined as a simultaneous infinite explosion of all that is. And for a more thorough explanation of God, you go back to the primal dilemma where God, the Spirit form is a primal energy essence, a primary energy gestalt. So powerful, big and complex is unimaginable. And the dilemma is that the primary energy gestalt, God knows and is aware of all creation, and yet it is all contained within the God. Speaker 1 00:04:21 Then God with its desire to know and keep expanding and searching, let's loose all of creation, one huge letting loose of all of creation, knowing that each bit of creation must have its free will in order to continually know itself, that God's spirit must give all of its creations the ability to create. So that's what, that's what we at our soul level and many other creations of God do. We continually create the God entity knows itself through our creations and the creations of many other entities. And so as we discussed in the past and past episodes, we have not just one planet Earth, but we have earth and all of the probable earths that we have created. And we have many, many other trillions, in fact, trillions of other universes, trillions of other realities where there are different rules of the game, different assumptions, different root assumptions that is. Speaker 1 00:05:35 And so we have universes that have no form at all. We have universes that, uh, where emotions primarily rule, and the beings, uh, in fact rely for their creation and their creativity on mixing and creating various types of emotions and various degrees of emotions. And as I've mentioned in the past, we have other universes where everyone's a musical note creating symphonies and where everyone's a uh, a spark, uh, creating great fireworks. But I'm getting ahead of myself because I need to get to the subject of why this matters, why it matters to us right here and now. Here's why many religions and religions are someone's interpretation of reality and why and how We're here so many religions are focused only on earth. And many religions assume that the ultimate God created earth, and that's it. The predominant religion in the United States has been Christianity and Christianity. Speaker 1 00:06:51 Well, it's, uh, it's good and it makes people aware of the spirit world and, uh, helps give the values. Uh, it is a religion that comes from the Jewish God that protected the crops. And in battle, it helped the Jewish soldiers that God Yahweh evolved into the, uh, Judeo-Christian form of a God concept that we have. Now, we have to remember that Jesus needed to speak to the Jews in terms that they would understand at that time, 2000 years ago. They would not understand the God concept as the simultaneous infinite explosion of all that is. So he had to talk about God the Father, and God the Son, and God the Son being sent down to help them, that sort of thing. Well, that's okay, and it's been a good religion and served its purpose for a long time. Uh, so what's the problem? Well, a lot of people today know there are many, many universes beyond the one in which we exist. Speaker 1 00:07:59 Uh, even short of many universes. They know there are trillions of other planets and galaxies. So the religion that sees us as the center of everything where, uh, God had to send a son to come down and suffer crucifixion in order to redeem us. It doesn't make a lot of sense to a lot of people, especially when you couple that with a God of reward and punishment where he, this he God, this masculine God would condemn certain people to eternal fire and have others enjoy themselves forever in heaven. So the big problem is a lot of people are turning away from that. They just can't accept it. And as a result, they have nothing else to turn to, so they become atheists. Now, that's a big problem because Christianity gives you values a lot of good values, but atheists, they don't really have to have any values. Speaker 1 00:09:05 Whereas Christianity sees us as, uh, helpless sinners. Uh, we have to rely on the Lord Jesus to save us. The atheists say, well, there's really nothing beyond this material world. And there God becomes the state. And we see today in China and Russia that the state takes the place of God. And so you have communism and the state saying, Hey, there's no spirit. World is just us. We're in charge. You have to do what we say. And the leaders, the leaders of let's say China and Russia, they don't have any values that we would, uh, recognize. We have the Chinese communists pulling out the organs from Fallon gang members, uh, simply while they're alive in order to transport those, the hearts and lungs to communist party members. We have China persecuting the Uyghurs. We have Russia starting Ukraine War. We have Isis and the Taliban who if they have any religion at all, it's a distorted version of Islam where they are free to kill and free to disregard the rights of women and many others. Speaker 1 00:10:22 So to repeat, a lot of people when they reject the traditional notion of the Christian God, they become atheists. And so they become subject to being, uh, willing, uh, people who accept communism and socialism, uh, as their gov form of government. And we know from experience that form of government reli leads to loss of freedom and persecution on a large scale. It leads to a loss of good values rather than have them become atheists if they had an understanding. God, that's similar to the fireworks and the electric grid, that God is spirit, that there are countless universes, that God is a primary energy gestalt. And if they understood about the primal dilemma and the necessity of free will, if they understood, as in our past episodes we've discussed, we have created an illusion here, the human time space illusion in order to train ourselves the soul that we are sends out us focus personalities here so that we can help the soul that we are experiences itself just as God experiences itself through all of its creations. Speaker 1 00:11:44 And we have free will to do so far better that we understand about these things and that this is really, uh, a training school we've set up for ourselves, and that we are headed for bigger and better things. Once we understand that we actually create what we experience as the quantum physicists would agree with us, right? And that the universe we experience is an idea construction. It's an idea we have constructed about reality. Once we ha realize that we are one of the most potent consciousness units known in any universe, and that we can, in effect by actually knowing that we create what we experience, that we can create what amounts to what we typically call heaven. And you have to remember that down here we use our five external senses to perceive reality. And so the reality we perceive is an idea we have constructed and we perceive it with our five senses after we die. Speaker 1 00:12:58 And what some people think of as the, uh, heaven state, uh, and which Bob Monroe called the belief system territories at that time, we understand that we can create whatever we wish and have it manifested, immediately manifested as an illusion of course, but nevertheless manifested. Remember Bob Monroe after he transitioned to spirit from this life, spoke to his daughter and explained that mankind really has no limits, and the entity Seth explains the same thing. Once we have reached that stage of development where we realize that then we have the ability to become a human race that is entirely new and greater, uh, than what we experience now, we will understand that we are basically spirits and we will have values, values based on love. And with those values and that ability to create, we'll have the ability to create anything we wish, which is, is in a positive way the kind of, let's say the the great, uh, melodies and the great symphonies that we would experience if we choose to experience ourselves as musical notes. Speaker 1 00:14:24 And at that time, we will have the ability to express ourselves if we prefer art, to have constantly the creation of masterpieces of art as mentioned earlier, for those who wish to experience the, uh, realities without form and just pure emotion, there will be wonderful, loving creation of great and different emotions in those realities and universes that we create. We will understand that we are all connected. Evil will not be known. Evil is one of the rude assumptions of the human time space illusions here. So we will be in fact a, uh, a race of, uh, humanity that is so entirely more advanced than what we have now, that it would be entirely different. It will be, it'll be so much more enjoyable, so much more satisfying. And we will know as spirits that we can continually without and constantly create different realities and different universes that we wish to join or create ourselves. Speaker 1 00:15:41 As mentioned in my book, we are all tourists. We will be sampling different worlds where we bring our own special values, our own special being to add to them. So that's why it's important for us to know that there isn't just this one Earth God created only this one earth. God's much bigger than that <laugh>. God created many universes and we need to have values and we will indeed have them and carry them with us wherever we quote, go quote, quote, uh, once we understand the true nature of God and the fact that there are many, many universes to explore, and that the spirit world through the use of its consciousness creates matter, not the other way around. So we'll have lots of opportunities for people who currently turn away from religion. They become atheists. They lose their values, create all sorts of havoc on this Earth, will be able to turn away from that and grow into the, uh, human race that we can be. And in fact, where we are because outside of this place, there's, there's no time. So that old song Love, lift us up where we belong, that's where we'll be. Alright, that concludes today's discussion. And once again, I'm Dan McEnany bringing you lessons from the Helpful Dead.

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