How the Big Picture Perspective Can Improve Your Life

January 28, 2023 00:13:09
How the Big Picture Perspective Can Improve Your Life
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
How the Big Picture Perspective Can Improve Your Life

Jan 28 2023 | 00:13:09


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

When you combine the ideas of probabilities, that everything's happening now, and focus realize that bringing about the future you want is quite achievable, and what might seem like million-to-one odds are really one-to-one odds. It also helps you realize that you are the hero of your own drama, and that every life is as significant as any other.

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Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems, and you are much more than you think you are. Here. You'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful eternal spirit. I'm Dan McInerney. In our last session we talked about the basic concepts of the big picture perspective, and today we'll talk about how this wonderful positive perspective can help you make the most of your life right now. Speaker 1 00:00:53 We'll do that by first looking at the fantastic combination of probabilities, plus everything's happening now, plus focus. Think of the implications when you combine these three concepts. If there are probable selves, then there are probable neighborhoods, cities, states, countries and worlds. Some will resemble ours quite closely, part of the same branch, so to speak, while others split off and go in an entirely new direction. As we quote, proceed in time. Some probabilities become vastly different from others. So there exist right now. All these probable worlds, many of them undoubtedly in much better straits than we are. Think of a tree and its branches with each branch representing a probability, right? Well, some probabilities, uh, they might have inhabitants that experience huge amounts of love and affection while others they might experience just a moderate amount and still others, they might not experience any love and affection at all. So the important point about probabilities is we have a vast number of realities to choose from. Many of them with several wonderful positive qualities and abundance. Speaker 1 00:02:18 Now, combine that with the idea that everything's happening at once. What does that tell you? It tells you that all of our probable futures are out there right now, ready and waiting. We don't have to build them from scratch. They're already all around us right now. Next, add the idea of focus. This idea says that we bring about our reality, the one we expect to experience and what want to experience, and how do we do it by focusing intensely with feeling on the things we expect and the things we want. So there you have it, the three ideas of probabilities. Everything's happening now and focus the this means bringing about the world we want for ourselves becomes as easy as focusing intensely on one of those probabilities that's already out there right now waiting for us to focus on it. Now, sure, in order to pull it into the physical probability that we are experiencing, we've also got to take some actions in the physical world because that's a big part of the game. Speaker 1 00:03:34 But the major factor is focus with it. We'll eventually get what we are intending. Without it we won't. Now let's turn to the idea that uh, there is no such thing as million to one odds. Alright? Remember, the universe is positively disposed to help us actualize our thoughts. The way this works is interesting. Suppose you want to achieve something that's quite difficult, such as going from welfare to becoming a me medical doctor or becoming a famous performer, starting up a new company, or developing a talent as a very good artist or piano player. Most people would say the the odds against you are quite high, but not if you have the big picture perspective. Because the way it really works is like this with our thoughts, visualizations and verbal affirmations, we send out signals to the universe that adequately describe the type of future that we want to bring about. If we put a lot of emotion into it, we send out a strong signal. Now that signal is attracted to the coordinate points that intensify its energy. Speaker 1 00:04:47 That signal is also automatically picked up by any and all entities who are in a position to help us bring that future into our reality. That's so important or repeated. That signal that you're sending out that strong signal is also automatically picked up by any and all entities who are in a position to help us bring that future into our realities, our reality rather. Now, some of those entities may be in physical bodies at the moment and some not. Regardless. They will do what they need to do to make events happen. Events that will bring you into contact with those living people who can assist you in reaching your goal. Things will happen. That might seem like a coincidence, but they are deliberate on another level and they happen so that you will be able to bring about the reality you want. So on the surface, it might seem like a million to one shot, that you meet all the people you need to start your company or get you on your way to becoming a medical doctor or becoming a famous performer or developing talent as an artist or a musician. Speaker 1 00:05:56 Musician. But behind the scenes, it's a direct one-to-one communication with all those who can help you that gets the job done. So the most difficult things you can imagine are really just one-to-one shots, not million to one and one-to-one are pretty good odds. A helpful analogy is the key word on a computer. If you enter the keyword pumpkin and everything in that computer with the word pumpkin comes together under one heading. That's an example of how this works. So it is that any entities with the ability to help you actualize your desired world, they join together in a unified effort that will eventually bring it about. Of course, a little work will also be needed and maybe some persistence, but it's easier to work and be persistent when you know you've got one-to-one odds going for you. Another way to realize the odds are in your favor is this. Speaker 1 00:06:57 Consider that you need to draw your desired experience into only one, just one of the many probabilities in which you exist. Not all of them. There may be thousands of probable use who will not experience what you are focusing on. That's okay. It doesn't detract from your enjoyment of it. The most impossible dreams become a lot more possible when you consider that you need to make them real in only one reality. Out of many that exist with so many probabilities, there's room for all of us to become a famous performer, energetic, healer, leading scientist, outstanding artist, widely read, author, top athlete, or whatever it is you want it to be. After all, we're attempt attempting to manifest it in only one probability outta perhaps millions. Now that's not asking so much is it? Here's another way to look at it. Everybody's a hero. Now, you may not think of yourself in particularly heroic terms. Speaker 1 00:07:58 Indeed, at times you may have exhibited a lack of courage. When you look at other lives, yours may seem dull and drab by comparison. You might never have been written up in your local newspaper or starred on an athletic team. You might not have any, not notable achievements other than surviving. Take heart. You are a hero. You are the star of your own drama, which is the story of your life. And when you're finished with this life and you look at this scoreboard, you'll be looking at the score of the things that really count when deciding whether you made progress or not. There are times when you created beautiful things, had fun, loved, laughed or performed. Some simple act of human kindness that's really all that counts. Leading armies, discovering scientific breakthroughs, leading a team of astronauts inventing wonderful new products. These are all admirable, but they're all sideshows. Speaker 1 00:09:00 They're okay for the people who came in to do them. They may be a big part of their purpose for coming in, but they're like stage sets. They are the backdrop for the action. That's really important. You can be a ditch digger and take time out on any given day to pet an animal or listen sympathetically to a a friend's plight or lend a word of encouragement to someone whose confidence is low. And you'll be putting lots of points on the big scoreboard that really counts. On the same day, the leader of a large corporation might make a deal that nets him billions of dollars in profits, but he doesn't take any time to lend encouragement to anyone or show kindness to anyone. He hasn't scored any points. He may even have lost some. So who's the hero? It depends on your perspective. When you have the big picture perspective and you understand this, life is just one role of many that you play. Speaker 1 00:09:57 It's easier to spot the dozens of heroes you might encounter daily, some of them quite well disguised as ordinary people like you and me. When you know that most achievements on this earth are simply an extension of a temporary role that you're playing while in the body, and that the purpose of our consciousness game is to learn how to create responsibly and experience emotions while spreading loving energy around. It's easy to see who's the hero on any given day. You score points with just the little things. Leo Basia in his book, born for Love put it quite well, and I'll repeat what he said here. The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. There will most likely be no ticker tape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor, but that does not lessen our possible impact. For there are scores of people waiting for someone like us to come along. People who will appreciate our compassion, who will need our unique talents, someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give to. Often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear and honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn the life around. It's overwhelming to consider the continuous opportunities there are to make our love felt. And that is the quote from Leo bis Scalia's, born for Love. Speaker 1 00:11:37 Uh, and of course we might add, it's also an opportunity to come that much closer to realizing you are already a hero. So with the big picture perspective, you understand why you're living your life, that why you're living your life, that no life, however menial is without meaning, and that some of the lives where the biggest points are scored can be those of an anonymous poor person who never gets so much as a headstone over her grave. We each judge our own lives and will either be pleased or not based on what we see on our big scoreboard. Knowing this, we will live our lives knowing that each of us is as important as anyone else. We all need to get back to the one with our gifts. Sooner or later in the process of creating those gifts, we'll play roles high and mighty, lowly and despised. But we'll be aware that these are just roles and that we're all heroes for getting into the game and doing our part in co-creation. Remember, too, that we each create our own reality and there are as many versions of the world out there as there are human minds. Well, that concludes our discussion of the, uh, fantastic combination that lets us make our own world a very positive one. And in the, uh, next session, we'll talk about how you can change the past. Again, I'm Dan McEnany, bringing you lessons from the helpful dead.

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