Worrying is Not Helpful for Us Focus Personalities

July 25, 2023 00:08:26
Worrying is Not Helpful for Us Focus Personalities
Lessons From The Helpful Dead
Worrying is Not Helpful for Us Focus Personalities

Jul 25 2023 | 00:08:26


Hosted By

Dan McAneny

Show Notes

If you find yourself worrying about all the negative events in this probable world we're in, or worrying about your personal situation, remember, you are a Focus Personality, that part of your Bigger Self that is focused on our Human Time-Space Illusion, HTSI. Remember too that in HTSI all events just are - past, present, future and all probable events just are - and we can choose to focus on whatever event we want to make real in our experience. We can do that with our thoughts. Worrying is directed thought, and it is usually directed toward negative probabilities, increasing the chance that's what we'll experience. Chood instead to focus on the best possible outcome of whatever you're worrying about. Direct your thoughts, using affirmations and visualization if you like, to bring intensity to the electromagnetic reality of your thoughts, increasing their ability to attract the outcome you desire.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:09 Welcome to Lessons from The Helpful Dead, where you'll learn the world is not what it seems. And you are much more than you think you are. Here. You'll learn about positive and reassuring messages from supposedly dead people whose main purpose is to help us find out what happens after we die, why we're here, how we got here, where we're going, and discover that you are really a powerful, eternal spirit. I'm Dan McEnany. Today's episode will be a very short one and it, uh, results from the fact that this morning I was speaking with a friend about all that she has to worry about, and that's quite a bit, uh, and the fact that the worrying really is not a good thing for us. Focus personalities to be doing. Certainly there are enough negative things going on in this world right now. So many negative things, uh, with the war and hunger and persecuted people. Speaker 1 00:01:10 We could, if we chose, spend all of our time worrying about all these negative things happening all around the globe. And that's not to mention our personal worries, which I discussed with my friend this morning. So if you've been worrying quite a bit, whether it's about the world in general or your own private situation, stop for a moment and consider that you are first and foremost a focus personality. What's a focus personality? Well, if you remember, we, you and I are the parts of our bigger selves that are focused in tightly on this human time space, illusion as spirits. We've entered it for reasons of our own generally in order to learn to how to handle our ability to create. The first thing you need to remember is you can choose to focus on anything you want. Consider for a moment that, uh, for simplicity's sake, the world that we're experiencing is like a football field. Speaker 1 00:02:19 The 100 yard length is time and the sidelines, the space between the sidelines, that's space, right? So within that football field are all events, all the events that are going to happen gonna happen now in the past or the future. Events just are, we know this because it's been explained to us by the helpful dead. If it helps, you could imagine a zillion football fields in, in the formation of a fan or, uh, laid out, uh, spreading out from one central source, whatever you wish. But the key thing is to remember that they're all the events are just there. The future, the past and the probable events, they all just sit there existing. We as focus personalities can choose to focus on any events or event that we wish. How do we do that? We do that with our thoughts. Remember now that several of the helpful Dead, not just the Seth entity, but Robert Monroe, Jane Roberts, and many other entities like Bruce Moen, for example, who tended to follow his thoughts along the lines of a wire or a connecting cord as many others have, they all explain to us that our thoughts have an electro-magnetic reality that attracts one or another kind of event into the reality that we perceive. Speaker 1 00:03:56 So when we're worrying, worrying is directed thought, just like rejoicing is directed thought, just like a decision to act is directed thought this directed thought, regardless of what it's composed of or what kind of thought it is, does have its own electromagnetic reality that attracts to it the events that the thoughts are focused on. Now, consider that worrying by its nature tends to focus us on negative things or negative possibilities or probabilities that we are concerned might come into focus in our material reality. So if you find yourself worrying about some things, as I have recently, try what I do, and that is to say, don't worry, Dan, don't worry about that. It's going to be all right. And focus on whatever event you're thinking about. Focus on the best possible outcome for that. In a recent example, I purchased a $700 appliance at a big box store, and when it didn't fit right, I called them and they said, well, we do not take anything back and we cannot give you any kind of a refund for something that just doesn't fit. Speaker 1 00:05:16 It's the wrong dimension. I was upset at first, but then decided, well, along with my new philosophy here, I just simply won't worry about it and I'll figure that the best is going to happen. Sure enough, it did. And through a series of events, I won't go into, I actually got the complete refund and was able to buy a more suitable appliance for $100 less. So don't worry about how something good is going to happen, just focus on it because you're a focus personality and you'll be sending out electromagnetic strands to an event that already exists where the situation turns out. Well, along these lines, one of the thoughts you can have is the thought to take action toward a desirable goal In this regard, I always remember the World War ii, uh, hero, Orie Murphy, who became a movie star after World War ii. Speaker 1 00:06:16 And when he was asked, uh, didn't he have great fear when he was about to charge up a hill to throw a grenade at the enemy? And he said, yes, yes, I was terribly afraid. But the moment I got into action, the moment I started to run up the hill and taking action, I didn't have to do anything else to get rid of the fear. It just, the action displaced the fear. And the same thing is true about worry, action, displaces worry. When you're acting, you don't have time to fear. You don't have time to worry. So remember, if you are spending time and energy on worrying about some negative events that you fear might come about, choose to focus instead on some good result you can use. If you like visualization and affirmation, that's a long tested and true method for helping you focus intensely on the reality that you want to bring about. Speaker 1 00:07:24 Think about it, visualize it and say out loud something that affirms that you believe is going to happen. Remember that you are a focus personality, and if you focus with intensity on what you want, you're likely to use that electromagnetic reality to bring it about and to the material realm that you experience. You probably have more serious things to worry about than a simple, uh, a purchase of an appliance, but however big or however little the matters that you are worrying about, try this approach. Decide to refocus and focus with intensity on the reality you want. And if you find yourself worrying, tell yourself. Don't worry. Tell yourself it'll work out okay, and focus on the reality that you would like to experience. That's it for today. Once again, I'm Dan McEnany, bringing you lessons from the helpful Dead.

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